Thursday, October 31, 2019
HULSE CHRISTMAS WAR LETTER ANALYSIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
HULSE CHRISTMAS WAR LETTER ANALYSIS - Assignment Example Edward Hulse was in the heart of the war, however these letters were not written to be published, and they were directed only to his mother. Hulse got a promotion in March 1915, but several days later his life ended at Neuve Chapelle where the newfound Captain was ready to help his Commanding Officer. The young soldier was waiting for the start of greater army activity, however soon he realized it does not contain any romantics. Hulse did not describe in his letters the most important plans, he even did not want to show if he was afraid or tired. During the following months he got the full impression of war: fire, dead friends, hospital. However the most surprising thing he saw fighting on the Western Front was so-called Christmas Truce. Sir Edward Hulse, being a lieutenant of the 2nd Scots Guards, described this occasion in the following words â€Å"It was absolutely astounding, and if I had seen it on a cinematograph film I should have sworn that it was faked†1. At this period the forces of the British Army were sure that the German`s desire is to destroy everything, which did not follow their expectations. This impression was ruined in the mud of Flanders, where the forces were placed during the winter. We feel he is tired, when he says how they walked miles to the trenches and got extra work, however he finds it amusing, that they â€Å"are going to give the enemy every conceivable song in harmony†2. It seems that he was busy; it seems that he was rushing, despite the detailed story, however it was able for him to found time for his mother. The Christmas Eve was not mentioned with fire and fighting like the previous December days. This day even heard the songs of the members of both trenches. The truce was agreed upon between the soldiers of German and British armies, and No-Man’s Land was chosen, our narrator says Christmas was celebrating in many areas of the Western Front. The letter from 28 December is full of different emotions – from surprise
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
MNGMT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MNGMT - Essay Example I then called them up and asked if maybe we could go back to the coffee shop and discuss few other things. Back to the coffee shop, we had a very interesting discussion and we even had a question-and-answer sort of activity. We were trying to ask one another about possible questions that may be asked on the exams and it turned out to be a fun way of studying. There were instances that if one of us attempts to answer a particular question, the other one would refute and provide another answer that lead to a discussion and research on which answer was correct. It went that way in a few hours and when it was time to get home, I was pretty confident that I have more retention with the activity that we had compared to when I was trying to study on my own. This personal experience may not be a group decision making but the fact that we were able to make our studying easier, I can definitely conclude that working with a group is better than working alone. With a group, one is given the chance to give his own idea while the rest of the members can scrutinize and analyze the given idea. There is an exchange of thoughts until they get to choose whose idea fits the puzzle best. In turn, decision making is at its best and one can expect a pretty good outcome. Although an exchange of ideas can be a challenge sometimes because it takes more time compared to when you have to decide on your own, you can be assured though that it is better than when you have to do all the thinking. I believe that in cases like coming up with a solution to a seemingly complex task, like an assignment, a project or the like, it is always best to discuss possible approaches with a group rather than assume you have all the best ideas in the world. Given this technique, one can never go
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Theories of Friction
Theories of Friction Keith Tan Friction According to the Encyclopaedia of Britannica, a friction is a force created by rubbing and can slow things down and then ultimately stop them. It is a kind of force that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another. (Encyclopaedia of Britannica, 2014) Frictional forces, such as the traction needed to walk without slipping, may be beneficial; but they also present a great measure of opposition to motion. We could not walk without the friction between your shoes and the ground. As we try to step forward, we push our foot backward. Friction holds your shoe to the ground, allowing you to walk. Consider how difficult it is to walk on slippery ice, where there is little friction. It is also friction in the tires that allows the car to stay on the road, and friction in the clutch that makes it possible to drive at all. From matches to machines to molecular structures, friction is one of the most significant phenomena in the physical world Writing using pencils uses friction. In fact, you won’t be able to even hold a pencil without friction. The pen will only slip out of your hand when you tried to hold it. The graphite pencil led will not be able to make any single mark without friction. Even a pencil eraser uses friction to rub off careless mistakes written down with pencil lead. The particles worn off gather up the pencil lead from the paper, when you are rubbing the eraser on the lead that wears out the eraser due to friction. Today, Friction is is a phenomena that happens in our everyday lives. From the Health point of view, Let’s take walking for example, as we all know our shoes are designed to protect our feet from sharp objects as well as keep our feet warmed up. However, it is more sophisticated than we think if we look into the science behind it. According to Jasmine C. Menant from Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRDD), footwear influences balance of people and the subsequent risk of slips, by altering somatosensory feed back to the foot and ankle and modifying frictional conditions at the floor interface. Walking barefoot,, in socks or in high-heel shoes have been proven to increase the problems of falls in older people. Many frictional aspects that are not mutually exclusive have to be taken into consideration. There are also few other footwear characteristics such as heel collar height, sole hardness, as well as read and hell geometry, these few characteristics also aff ect the measure of balance and gait. Because many elderly uses suboptimal shoe, this can maximize safe shoe usage and an effective fall prevention strategy. (jasmine, 2008) Based on their researches, they sorted out that, inside and outside the house, older people should wear shoes with low heels and firm slip-resistant soles. Future shoe making industry should make sure that their shoe have the benefits of tread sole shoes for preventing slips and shoes with high collar or flared sole for a better grid in harsh weathers. I would say friction does not â€Å"solve†the problem of old people falling but rather it only am â€Å"reduce†it. Although that is the case, it still brings benefit in putting application science of friction to even our footwear. (NO CAMELS NEWS, 2014) From social point of view, Friction does plays a role in every one of any education level. Pencil for instance is used by all students, kids and even adults of different profession. Pencils were among the basic equipment issued to Union soldiers during the Civil War. Pencil marks are made when tiny graphite flecks, often just thousandths of an inch wide, stick to the fibers that make up paper. But when we write something wrong by mistake, this is where rubber comes in. The friction created between the surface of the rubber and the surface of the lead scribbled on paper is used to remove the errors that were written earlier. (Christopher, 2007) Other bad side from friction like heat were also apprehended by modern day scientist as It is also because the paper is removing the graphite from the pencil through friction, the heat is not transferred to the tip because the material that would have been heated by the friction between the paper and the tip has been left on the piece of paper. So, to heat the pencil tip up, so we would have to write with the pencil quicker than it is possible or for very extended amounts of time and even then because of the part that may have been heated by friction, it is then removed. This leads that the tip of a pencil does not even get hot during writing. This has affected us socially in the pencil making industry. (PHYSICS, 2013) Today , most pencils sold in America today have eraser tips, while those sold in Europe usually have none. On the other hand, Friction also has its own disadvantages in our everyday processes. For instance, friction is also a usage for the wear and tear on some bike gears and other mechanical parts. Thats why extra money are needed on buying lubricant which are often used to reduce the friction that causes wear and tear in between moving parts.In addition to cars and wheels/tires, there is also internal friction. Internal friction is what allows you to build up an oil wedge in rotating machinery that relies on a wedge of oil to separate the metal shaft and whatever the bearing surface happens to be, or the ball bearings from the inner and outer race. With the help of friction, you won’t need brake to stop any spinning devices. So, in a nutshell, friction is sometimes a bad thing when it results in the loss of mechanical efficiency by converting some of the power applied to useless heat. However, it is also a necessary feature when it is the primary reason a piece of equipment opera tes and even then, a portion of that energy will be lost as heat. There is therefore no perfect machines or perpetual motion machines, we always lose some amount of energy to friction Hence we have to pay more for the cars we buy because of these operating cost of production in coming up with these features to reduce friction. (Ayush, 2014) In conclusion, in my opinion I think that because friction itself is already a resistance force that slows down or prevents motion, it is needed in most applications to prevent in some cases, there is an advantage of having friction. However, too much friction can be very annoying, because it can also be an obstacle to motion and sometimes cause the need for using extra energy. A good balance is necessary to get just enough friction. Slipping or sliding. Frictional force is neither advantageous nor disadvantageous intrinsically. The advantage or disadvantage comes not from the force, but from whether it helps or hinders the desired outcome. (1181 words) Bibliography 1) Ayush, S. (2014). Why greater friction causes increased wear and tear? Retrieved 27 November, 2014, from 2) Christopher, D. (7 May, 2007). Home »May »20 Things You Didnt Know About Pencils. Retrieved 19 November, 2014, from 3) Encyclopaedia of Britannica. (2014). Encyclopaedia of Britannica. Retrieved 14 Nov, 2014, from Friction: 4) jasmine. (8 November , 2008). Rehab Research. Retrieved 16 November, 2014, from Optimizing footwear for older people at risk of falls: 5) NO CAMELS NEWS. (2014). Israeli Fall-Prevention Motorized Shoe Is A Step In The Right Direction. Retrieved 18 November, 2014 , from 6) PHYSICS. (2013). How hot does the tip of a pencil get while writing? Retrieved 20 November, 2014, from Appendix: Prototype B Shoes created by Israel
Friday, October 25, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I am extremely proud to be given the opportunity to address you all during this wonderful and momentous celebration. Each and every one of you deserves the greatest congratulations. You have paid a price to be here; put sweat, frustration, anger, effort, tears, blood and now triumph into your years at Napier High School. You all should be incredibly proud of yourselves. You know that you make your life whatever you want. And what you put in, you get out. Like the cross country girls' motto: "Where you find success you find sacrifice," if you give, you shall receive. But don't expect results right away. Some things take time. And don't expect your goals to come easily. Life is filled with adversity; expect obstacles at every corner. Why? Because chances are they're going to be there. But it's not what happens when you are faced with adversity, it's how you react to it. Be classy through triumph and failure and if you get knocked down or stepped on. Get up, brush yourself off and start running again - no wait, that's another story. Nevertheless, you will face obstacles; the key to movi...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Environment Day Essay
It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cultu re. Thank you all. Have a nice day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cultu re. Thank you all. Have a nice day. It gives me great pleasure to address you on this World Environment Day 2014. World Environment Day is commemorated worldwide each year under the direction of the United Nations to heighten public awareness of the environment. In recent times, the need to promote more earth friendly practices in order to maintain the health of our planet has come to the forefront, as world nations struggle to reverse the present trend of climate change. The World Environment Day is a reminder to show our gratefulness to Mother Nature, which sustains all forms of life. This is the day to focus our thoughts and our energies to make collective efforts towards protecting the environment. India has rich traditional knowledge and wisdom in the conservation of nature and natural resources. Religious beliefs, culture and folklore have together treated nature and environment with sanctity. Conservation and protection of environment and love for nature have always been part and parcel of Indian ethos and cu lture. Thank you all. Have a nice day.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Investigate a Type of Public Speech Such as Political Speech, School Assembilies Etc.
A political speech is a type of public speech; public speeches are usually prepared with the intentions of informing, influencing or entertaining an audience. The main purposes of a political speech are to transmit information among others, motivating people to act either for or against something or to tell a story. A good orator should be able to change people’s emotions and keep the audiences interest. For my language study I am analysing David Cameron’s speech to his campaigners in Brighton before the election 2010 because I thought it would be an interesting topic as it is in current news. Firstly, David Cameron’s excessive use of pauses is interesting. They seem to be the most used technique in the transcript, for instance David Cameron says ‘we’ve got the ambition (1) to make this country great again (2) and as you go out there (1)’ this shows that there are a lot of long pauses in just one utterance, a pause can sometimes be just a hesitation but in political speech is it more likely to be deliberate. It is an interesting technique because when the orator has paused, even if only for a second, it gives the audience a chance to reflect on what has been said and interpret the information said across in their own way. However, many people may not realise that whilst letting the utterance play on the audience minds it also gives the speaker the chance to develop and prepare in his head how he will express his next point to the crowd, the longer pauses in this particular transcript seem to be after every main point so the crowd will remember those points in particular when they come to vote. Secondly, David Cameron uses pragmatic phrases in his speech such as â€Å"when we get knocked down we don’t roll over and die we get up and fight (1)†pragmatic phrases are common in political speeches to create humour or to give what is being said a second interpretation, some people make take this point literally and think about the current wars in Afghanistan but others may think of it as a personal comment made directly to them to tell them that they should never give up on what they believe in and that they should always be determined. The purpose of the pragmatic phrase in this particular speech is probably to make the audience relate to the points being made and think that they can relate to the orator themselves. Another intriguing technique is the use of repetition in this speech, â€Å"another day we’re not gripping our problems (1) another day we are wasting our opportunities (1) another day when this country is not being all that it could be (2)†repetition in this utterance is powerful because it gives the speech more drama and make more of an impact and stick in the audiences minds for when it is really needed, at the polling station. The orator might choose to use repetition to make the speech easier to remember if he does not want to seem like he is reading off a sheet because a good orator needs to at least try and look like he is delivering it naturally because that is what the audience would want. Also, in the transcript quote above the main points are emphasised, words that are emphasised are more likely to be remembered because they are spoken louder and clear than all the others. . In political speeches, language is affected because it is slowed right down and is spoken more precisely, because in theory, a speech is a performance and you would want people to listen and not think, boring! A political speech is prepared, but that does not mean that the audience does not want a natural delivery, they would not want any false starts, that are seen in normal face-to-face conversations, because that would make the audience lose confidence in the speaker, also there is no slang unless that is the way the speaker wants to put the speech across. Generally, in political speeches politicians tend to use words that the audience don’t really understand, the audience might not like this because they feel that politicians’ should talk in a way that every educational ability can understand and try not to diverge away from them, however that’s what is so interesting in this speech is the lack of political jargon, i would have thought there would have been a lot. However, i realise that the orator may not want to speak in political jargon because he may want to act like one of the public and speak in a way they are more likely to understand because if the audience understands the pitch they are more likely to vote for the one they actually know what was said. The delivery of a speech welcomes peoples own interpretations and opinions, and politics is all about opinions.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Scariest Halloween Happenings
Scariest Halloween Happenings Theres nothing like a good haunted house to get you in the spirit of Halloween. Remember going to your hometowns haunted house as a child? Creeping down spooky hallways, feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you sense the presence of someone else nearby, screaming as they jump out at you and then laughing with relief when you make it to the end in one piece? Well, imagine this experience, only with large scale pyrotechnics, hundreds of actors dressed in creepy costumes, goosebumps inducing soundtracks, rides, shows and more. For those who love a good scare and want to experience the best, check out the following events: Tustin, California. The 17th Door Its a sure bet for those who want a really good scare. In fact, you might even get too scared, which is why the hosts give you a password that allows you to leave if you find yourself losing it somewhere among the pig-faced demons and other monsters that haunt the 17-room scare-a-thon. Uttering â€Å"Mercy†will get you a quick passage to safety. Expect to be touched and to possibly get wet. Los Angeles: Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood It boasts creepy mazes where youll encounter characters from AMCs The Walking Dead series, a Terror Tram called The Purge where youll be hunted by murderers in masks, a series of scary rides featuring scenes from The Transformers, The Revenge of the Mummy, Jurassic Park, and a Simpsons ride to lighten the mood if it gets too intense. Finally there are four unique â€Å"Scare Zones†featuring chemically deformed monsters, a creepy Christmas theme, zombie soldiers and a lawless riot with murderers on the loose. The sets, actors and scenes are all top notch Universal Studios productions. Possibly the highest quality fright party on earth. Dark Harbor The Queen Mary crew hosts a terrifying event. Once aboard, youll find mazes, monsters, creepy music by composer Jaymie Valentine. Trapped on the boat with nowhere to go, youll have no choice but to let the terror overtake you. You can even book a room to take advantage of the creepy shows and nightmare inducing scare-a-thon. Orlando: Universal Studios It offers a totally unique Halloween event in Orlando. Featuring 9 haunted houses with themes like: Walking Dead, Freddy vs. Jason, Insidious, The Purge, An American Werewolf in London, 25 Years of Monsters Mayhem, Run: Blood, Sweat and Fears, 3D Asylum in Wonderland and Body Collectors. Seven scare zones and shows including Bill Teds Excellent Halloween Adventure, All Nite Die-In and Evils Roots. As always with Universal Studios, expect some of the most spectacular sets and special effects you could imagine. Las Vegas: Fright Dome Fright Dome at Circus Circus hotel is one Vegas biggest Halloween attractions. No costs have been spared to transform the hotel into an enormous haunted house. Make your way through giant spider webs, with man-eating spiders ready to pounce, be pursued by ghosts, goblins, Freddys and Jasons. Scary music, creepy lighting, mazes and live shows. Youll need nerves of steel to make it through this experience without screaming. Philadelphia: Terror Behind the Walls The former Eastern State Penitentiary transforms the enormous complex into the annual Terror Behind the Walls. Touted as one of the best haunted house experiences in the U.S., this event boasts 200 actors in full costume, animation and some of the most skin-crawling soundtracks, This year, two more attractions have been added to the traditional four. Returning are the popular Infirmary, Detritus, Lock Down, Machine Shop and debuting are Break Out and Quarantine 4D. Enter if you dare! Chicago: The 13th Floor The 13th Floor is a haunted house event that helps you understand why most buildings dont have a 13th floor. This nightmare-inducing experience is famous nationwide. With a ride that makes your stomach drop 13 floors, some of the best creepy actors and scary music, youll get your fright fix at this terrifying event. Buying a ticket allows you entrance to â€Å"Feral Moon†and â€Å"Dead End District: Wrong Turn†where you enter the truly twisted world of the events creators. Dont expect to sleep at night after visiting the 13th Floor. Whichever event you attend, make sure you steady your nerves and bring a friend to grab on to when the terror overtakes you. And if you prefer to scare somebody instead of being scared, you should try these Halloween pranks on your friends. Have fun and Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Graphic Design History
Essay on Graphic Design History Essay on Graphic Design History Essay on Graphic Design HistoryThe development of the graphic design in the 1960s – 1970s was vulnerable to the growing impact of the popular culture, sexual revolution, and appearance of iconic figures in music and pop culture, such as Elvis Presley. At the same time, the graphic design of the 1960s – 1970s became closer to the mass audience. One of the mainstream trends of the graphic design of that time was the emergence of celebrities and their wide involvement in the graphic design, when graphic designers used celebrities as icons that created the particular brand image and conveyed specific messages which designers wanted to convey to the audience. In this regard, the development of the graphic design contributed to the increasing role of celebrities in the cultural and social life. On the other hand, the graphic design also benefited from the wider involvement of celebrities because celebrities allowed attracting the attention of the audience to the particular pr oducts of the graphic design of that time.On analyzing the development of the graphic design of the 1960s – 1970s, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that one of the most popular celebrities of that time was Elvis Presley, who attracted not only the mass audience but also professional graphic designers, who, in their turn, used his popularity to create their own products and manifest their skills and making the graphic design a true art. In fact, Elvis Presley was one of the key figures, the icon of the 1960s – 1970s, whose contribution to the music and culture of that time can hardly be underestimated.Elvis Presley was extremely popular in his time and his creative work became particularly interesting for graphic designers, who created their own works being inspired by Elvis. At the same time, his style influenced the graphic design in a way because the public just wanted to be â€Å"like Elvis†. As a result, graphic designers used the full potential of the popularity of Elvis Presley among the audience and used his image and style to attract the target audience to their products.The huge popularity of Elvis Presley was beneficial for graphic designers, who could use his image in their products. However, such cooperation of the celebrity and graphic designers was beneficial for both parties. Elvis Presley also benefited from works of graphic designers because they made him even more popular. As they used his image in their works, Elvis Presley became the iconic figure, who was almost everywhere. In such a way, the popularity of Elvis Presley grew stronger, while companies using graphic design depicting Elvis Presley could also rip off maximum profits benefiting from effective promotion of their products.In such a way, graphic designers, who remained devoted to traditional family values, could be inspired by Elvis Presley. The theme of traditional family values was historically very popular in the US and Elvis Presley also contr ibuted to the maintenance of the ideal view on the family as the main value of the American culture (Dundy, 2004). Even though Elvis Presley divorced, his images with his family were very popular and inspiring for Americans and graphic designers used it successfully.In such a way, the image of Elvis Presley has been commercialized successfully and even today various brands use his image to promote their products and services. The enormous popularity of Elvis Presley was the result of his talent as well as media and graphic design, in a way, because his image was well-recognized and the attention of media and graphic designers to his personality made him even more popular.At the same time, the theme of sexual revolution and gender relations had had a considerable impact on the graphic design of the 1960s – 1970s.In such a way, the graphic design of the 1960s – 1970s still reserved a considerable impact of the traditional view on males and emphasized male individualism. However, the popularity of the male individualism in the US was also the result of the traditionally positive attitude of Americans to individualism (Stanizsewski, 2009). The cult of hero is deep-rooted in the American culture and the graphic design just mirrored the trend to the popular view on the male individualism in the US.The 1960s were marked by the growing attention to the family planning and gender roles (Stanizsewski, 2009).In such a way, the graphic design mirrors the growing trend to the change of gender roles due to the emerging feminism and steady elimination of gender gaps. At the same time, the aforementioned image reveals the sense of human that have finally appeared in the graphic design in the 1960s. The change of gender roles and the humor which is present in the image show clearly that the American society has started to change, while the graphic design became the powerful tool with the help of which the change was recorded and presented in mass media. The trans formation of the US culture of the 1960s – 1970s was the result of profound changes in the US society, but the graphic design has managed to notice all those changes. This is why it is possible to trace key changes in the US society throughout time through the analysis of works of graphic designers. For instance, it is hardly possible to find implications to the change of gender roles in the pre-World War II graphic design, whereas those changes become obvious in the graphic design of the 1960s and, especially, the 1970s.Thus, the development of the graphic design in the 1960s – 1970s was marked by the increasing role of celebrities in the American culture and the wide use of celebrities in the graphic design. In this regard, Elvis Presley was one of the most influential figures of that time. He became the cultural icon, whose steep decline in the 1970s became the tragedy for millions of his fans. However, the graphic design has used the full potential of Elvis Presley as the iconic figure in the US culture. At the same time, the graphic design mirrored other profound changes that took place in the US society in that time, including the sexual revolution, changing gender roles, male individualism, and others.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
What You Must Bring to the ACT on Test Day
What You Must Bring to the ACT on Test Day SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Picture this: you’ve studied for months, you confidently sit down to your ACT test booklet, and on the first question your pencil breaks! You can’t ask anyone around you for a pencil since the test has already started. What do you do? Luckily, this disastrous scenario won’t happen to you.In this guide,we'll look at what you need to bring to the ACT, some extra materials that could be helpful, and what you should leave behind when you head out the door. After reading this, you'll know all the things you need to bring on test day so your ACT testing experience can run as smoothly as possible. What to Bring to the ACT: The 4 Essentials We'll start by looking at the most important items tobring with you on ACT test day. You absolutely mustbring these things. In fact, without them, you likely won't be able to take the ACT! #1: Printed Admission Ticket First and foremost, you need to bring a paper copy of your ACT admission ticket.Images of your ticket on your cell phone or another device will not be accepted. Log into your ACT account to print out your ticket. Without your ticket, you will be unable to enter the testing center and sit for the ACT. So make sure you print it out and get it ready ahead of time! #2: Photo ID Like your admission ticket,photo ID is required to check in for the ACT.Your full name on your ID should match the name you registered with. In addition, your ID picture should clearly resemble the picture of yourself you uploaded during registration (so wait on any drastic hair-color changes until after test day). Acceptable forms of ID include the following: Current official school ID Driver’s license Passport If you don’t have any of these forms of ID, you can also have a school official or notary fill out this official ACT Identification Letter Form. If you’re participating in ACT Talent Search, you should also present your talent search identification letter. Unacceptable forms of ID include the following: Birth certificate Credit cards Employee ID Learner’s permit Social security card Even if your test administrator is a family friend or a teacher you’ve had since your freshman year, personal recognition won’t cut it.You must have an ID as well as your admission ticket. Go to the official ACT website tosee the full list of unacceptable forms of ID. #3: At Least Two #2 Pencils and an Eraser Since the ACT is a paper test, you obviously need something to write with! This is why it's important to bring at least two #2 pencils and an eraser (so you can erase any answers you think are wrong). Mechanical pencils, pens, highlighters, liquid paper, and any other writing utensil will not be accepted, not even for the Writing (essay) section. Don’t get stuck in the nightmare scenario described at the beginning of this article- bring at least two pencils! #4: A Permitted Calculator You're allowed to use a calculator on the Math section; however, your calculator must be a type that's permitted by ACT, Inc. Most four-function, scientific, and graphing calculators are allowed, with certain restrictions. For more info, read our expert tips on all the uses and limitations of your calculator. As long as you have these four items- your printed admission ticket, your photo ID, #2 pencils, and a permitted calculator- you should have no problem getting into and making it through the ACT. Other Things to Bring on ACT Test Day Below are some other items that might come in handy as you take this long and important test: Extra #2 pencils and a handheld pencil sharpener:By bringing backup pencils, you won’t have to worry about any of them breaking or wearing down during the test. This is especially important if you’re taking the ACT with Writing and will be writing out an entire essay. Extra batteries for your calculator:Just as you need to ensure you have working pencils, you also don’t want to be left with a dead calculator. It’s a good idea to put in new batteries the day before the ACT and to make sure your calculator is working normally. Drinks and snacks for your breaks:You are not allowed to eat and drink within the testing room, but a drink and snacks are a great way to energize you during your breaks. The ACT is a long test, and you definitely don’t want to be distracted by thirst and hunger for hours! A watch with no noises or audible alarms:A watch might be a good way to help you keep track of time as you work through the sections. If it’s too distracting or anxiety-producing for you, though, feel free to leave it at home. A sweater or light jacket:You can't predict whether the testing room will be hot or cold, so it's a good idea to bring an easily removable layer, such as a sweater or jacket. This way you won't get stressed out about the temperature and can focus entirely on the test. Stick to the things on the above two lists and you should be all set to take the ACT! But what should you notbring on test day? Read on to find out. No phones from any decade allowed. What Not to Bring on ACT Test Day Here are some items explicitly prohibited on test day, though you really don’t have any need to bring anything that hasn’t already been mentioned. First off, you can't bring inany technology besides your calculator- especially anything with communication or recording capabilities.This includes cell phones, laptops, tablets, and cameras. Security is high at ACT test centers, and any signs of potential cheating could come under investigation and make it into the news (as you can see from these high-profile SAT scandals). Bringing in these things could have devastating consequences: you could get kickedout, have your scores canceled, and destroy your chances of college admission. If you must bring your cell phone, turn it off before the test begins.Should it make even one beep sound, though, your phone will be confiscated and your test will be immediately canceled. Secondly, avoid bringing notes, textbooks, dictionaries, translators, or any additional papers. You can’t bring in "cheat sheets," reading materials, or any notes beyond the test booklet given to you. Finally, don't bringany writing utensil that’s not a #2 pencil.You can't use pens on the test, so leave those at home! Now that you know exactly what to bring and what to leave at home on test day, how can you best prepare yourself to take the ACT? Tips for Getting Ready for ACT Test Day Just as you prepared for what’s on the ACT, you'll also benefit from preparing for all the logistics of test taking. Do the following before test day, and you'll feel completely ready for the ACT: Get everything you need for the test gathered and packed away in your backpack the day before.All of your prep would count for nothing if you didn’t get into the test or have the right pencils to use on the bubble sheets! As obvious as this might be, you will still appreciate having your backpack pre-packed as you’re getting ready the morning of the ACT. Print a couple copies of your admission ticket,just to have an extra as backup. Don’t leave this to the last minute, as printers can break. In fact, it might be better to rely on your school or local library for printing resources. Eat breakfast,bring a drink and snacks, and do any other routines/exercises that help you cope with stress. Your physical health can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional health, so don’t neglect it leading up to test day (or in general!). To repeat it one more time, don’t bring your cell phone to the ACT test. Even if you’re confident it’s on silent mode, it’s definitely not worth the risk of having your scores canceled. Absolutely no cell phones are allowed in the testing room. Finally, make a checklist and double-check that you have everything you need before leaving for the test. By making sure you’re well prepared, you'll have as easy and relaxing a morning as possible before the ACT and can focus all your attention and energy on performing your best! What’s Next? It sounds like you're taking the ACT soon. Time management is important on the ACT. While you might have the vocab and math concepts down pat, you also have to be able to work quickly and strategically to get a strong score. Check out our expert strategies on how to manage your time on the ACT. Another important ACT strategy is knowing how and when to guess on certain questions.Read about the top mistakes students make so you can avoid making them yourself! To truly prep effectively, you have to know what your goals are. Learn all about what makes a good ACT score, a bad score, and an excellent score, and figure out what your target scores are. When do ACT scores come out?Find out so you don't freak out about when they're released! We hope you don't have to take the ACT again, but when you get your scores back, you might have to. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Demand Estimation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Demand Estimation - Assignment Example Such a product according to economic theory is said to exhibit somewhat elastic demand relative to that of similar products in the market (Graves, & Sexton, 2009). Consequently, the owner of the low-calorie, frozen microwavable food product may need to worry less about rivals in the market since the pricing strategies have a negligible impact on his products. The income elasticity is estimated at 1.62. Such a result is an indication that a 1 percent positive change in the average incomes of the consumers of the product would lead to 1.62 percent increase in the quantity demanded. Theorists argue that such a degree of responsiveness due to changes in consumer income is elastic (Saez, Slemrod, & Giertz, 2012). In line with this, the firm can take the step increasing the price of the commodity if the incomes of the consumers are increased. The elasticity of advertisement is estimated at 0.1 implying that a unit increase in the funds spent on advertisement results to 0.11 increase in the quantity demanded. The result that the degree of responsiveness of the quantity demanded to changes in the intensity of the advertisement is relatively elastic. As such, increases in the level of advertisement do not justify increases in prices by the firm since it is possible that such price have the potential to scare away the consumers (Graves, & Sexton, 2009). In relation to the microwave ovens in the region, the elasticity is estimated at 0.07. Despite the food product being a complement to the microwave oven, a 1 percent elevation in the quantity of ovens in the region only increases the quantity of the food product by merely 0.07 percent. Concerning this, the degree of responsiveness of the quantity needed in relation to variations in the price of the oven is inelastic. The management is better off ignoring the effect of the changes in the price of the ovens when strategizing on
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critical Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical Response - Essay Example Population growth and reduction in resources has been a widely discussed dilemma since nineteenth century. However, initially the idea of lack of resources was put forward in 1789, by Reverend Thomas Malthus; his worst fear was global starvation. He pointed out, when growth of a population is not controlled with rapidly depleting non-renewable resources and degrading the capacity of the environment to support its inhabitants; such area is overpopulated and soon becomes the victim of famine, disease or war and requires reducing its human overload. Malthus advocated delay in the time of marriage to check overpopulation, which was purely hypothetical and its implementation was difficult. Malthus predicted overpopulation and tried to stabilize the long term economy of the state, but his theory of late marriages became rather controversial and was considered impractical (Overbeek, 1977, p 4). His theory was condemned by many critics, as it failed to identify the source of the problem and didn’t provide any potential solution, to increase food resources through science and technology. His theory put a stop on the enthusiasm of some of the scholars, who considered growth of population as a sign of development. None of the attention was shed on the subject as his theories were considered misanthropic in that time. Colin D. Butler further explains the scenario by giving examples from the start of 1934, when biotechnological research reached their pinnacle and increased life expectancy, thus decreasing global food supply to nourish the increasing human population. This situation also alerted politicians, demographers as well as the common public and US presidents of different time periods increased their support to different family planning campaigns in different zones of high population. Almost every Theorist and Scientist accept the kind of stress the world is facing and most of it is due to lack of resources. Arguments arise when reasons of these deficiencies a re being discussed. Anup Shah in Global Issues suggest that the reason to most of the problems might be related to the way we produce, consume and waste our resources, which also reflects our lifestyles and its related issues. (Shah, 1998, p 3) In 1970, new crop strains were introduced by â€Å"Green Revolution†which in the period which was predicted to be shadowed by famine, war or disease. Fortunately, this period turned out to be a period of optimism for health sector. The introduction of contraceptives reduced the fertility rate, but did little to control the annual global population growth which concerned many global demographers and scientists. Norman Borlaug, father of Green revolution warned that the organization can feed three decades, only with correct fertility control measures. After which, China announced its one-child policy in 1979. Infliction of forced abortions and restriction on birth caused more psychological problems than ever. This has imbalanced the nat ural process of reproduction and is an artificial method to control the population, which shows not an extensive change in economic condition. Thus, it has become a reason of reduced production in human capital. (Chow, 2007, p 203) Butler further described extensive revolutions that occurred in the economic environment of many countries during 1970s that led to the concern of overpopulation fade away. US decreased its foreign aid, but continued its policies such as Keynesianism, which
Policemen of the World Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Policemen of the World - Thesis Example The dollar-standard system of exchange further strengthened America’s economy, hence its rise to a world superpower. Instances of America’s Military Operations Abroad and justification. America’s foreign policies are fundamental in keeping world peace and interventions since the end of the second war. America has a vital role in resolving conflicts among nations. The country’s foreign policies grant Congress and the president power to undertake military operations abroad, either to combat global terror attacks or promote peaceful co-existence among warring nations. a) America’s military operations in Iraq in 2014President Obama, on August 8, 2014, authorized a military operation to be undertaken in Iraq. The operation involved targeted airstrikes on target areas. The mission of America’s military intervention was to suppress emerging Islamist militants in the area. Airstrikes targeted areas dominated by Islamist militants in Iraq. Areas such as the Persian Gulf were of interest and target for intelligence missions conducted by US military. President Obama’s decision conformed to the country’s foreign policy provisions of preventing international terror attacks. b) The effort to end global terrorism The American military operations target perpetrators and planners of terrorism as a measure to fight the emergence of militant groups in identified areas, regions, or nations. In 2011, the U. S. military through its intelligence operations in Yemen killed Anwar al-Awlaki.
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 12
Marketing - Essay Example Eventually, the product got to the stage of market development where the parent company described its target market, the market share, the sales, planned value proposition, and their profit goals. Finally, McDonald carried out a business analysis on the product through a review of its profit projections, costs, and sales to define if it fits into their company objectives. After this stage, the product was pushed to the product development, where they created McLobster. They consulted specialists in seafood. Finally, McDonald performed their test marketing by bringing McLobster, as well as its marketing program, into the real market conditions. At this point, they offered McLobster to its target market at particular locations. Test marketing for a company like McDonald is quite easy since they experimented with a product like McLobster at their own restaurants by carrying out local and small promotions and offering it under â€Å"NEW†on the menu. However, McLobster was not profitable enough for McDonalds to commercialize it, although, it is given as a seasonal product (Mills 35). Cited as one of the most notorious brand missteps of all, it was launched buy Coca Cola in the mid-80s in an attempt to stay ahead of its competitors during the famous â€Å"cola wars†. It was introduced in a way that made regular coke drinkers feel like they did not matter to the company, which led to a product boycott (Haig 23). This cola was introduced in the early in 90s and had no lime/lemon flavor unlike other clear and carbonated drinks, although it also did not possess the usual flavor prevalent in colas either. The soda, despite an expensive and glitzy media campaign, failed to catch. They lost millions trying to guess at straws and have not fully recovered yet (Haig 40). This error has informed most competitors not to change acceptable norms like cola colors. This burger was launched by McDonalds at a cost estimated
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Essay
A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Thematic Area Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - Essay Example The article argues that human beings and their humanity are as a result a result of both nature and nurture and thus none can be successful without the other. In this case nature is in reference to the genetic components that make up heir system while nurture is in reference to the various experiences that they go through while growing up at the various stages of their lives (Perry, 2002). The argument is that these two factors are essential in the development of a human being thus it ca n be said that both genes as well as experience are interdependent of one another. The understanding that I received from this article is that there is a need for both genetic development as well as experience for an individual to grow into a well rounded figure and a lack of any of these factors or a provision of negative ones will in turn deprive the person from forming into a well adjusted individual when they are in the adult stages of their lives (Perry, 2002). The article also explains that the earlier stages of an individuals lives (that is, from infancy to around their years as a toddler) are the more vital parts of an individuals life when the experiences that they undergo will have a vital effect on them and their psychological and emotional development (Perry, 2002). This is clearly seen in an example whereby a child who is not touched during their early stages as a baby is likely to suffer more and such an experience have an adverse effect as compared to a child who has reached puberty undergoing the same experience. This example also exhibits that dif ferent experiences are vital during different stages of one’s life and do not really play a large role after that stage in life has already been passed. The article has also argued that the neurodevelopment of an individual is highly influenced not only by the genetic transformations that take place,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
History of Art Art in the age of mass media Essay
History of Art Art in the age of mass media - Essay Example Some of the commonly used cultural forms are web sites, multimedia, databases, computer games and animations and to a lesser extent, virtual reality. In today's culture of information and media, there is permanence and crumbling of both old and new media. New media exists due to the foundation laid by the old media and its language. But there are instances where new media is coming on its own and breaking from its roots. The distinctive feature about new media is its capacity to create a virtual world of information that, in the case of the internet, exists in servers worldwide but visualized at a computer workstation at any corner. This illusion of reality that is organized and structured has transformed human experience. In the culture of the information society, computerization has led to developments of new forms. Old media such photography and cinema have in some ways reinvented themselves and converged into new media. The computer revolution has considerably enhanced the scope of visual culture and new avenues of expression have opened up to artists. Bolter and Grusin offer an alternate way of thinking about the new media. They present the idea of remediation and define it as "the formal logic by which technologies refashion prior media forms" (Bolter and Grusin 2000 p.273). Modern society which is increasingly turning its interests towards various entertainment and information media has fallen into preoccupations that Bolter and Grusin term as "immediacy" and "hypermediacy" which are the two strategies of remediation. Immediacy is a style of visual presentation which aims at making the viewer unaware of the presence of the medium e.g. photographic film, cinema, artist canvas, TV sports events etc. Immediacy attempts to give the appearance that the media doesn't exist. For example, anything shown "live" would fall under the immediacy category. Live sports events, live or breaking news, live car chases on TV are preoccupations that the general public appear to be interested in. Most of these visual presentations focus on the action taking place. There is no effort in creating a visual masterpiece or making it look artistic, instead, immediacy tries to flow along with the on going event. The emphasis is on the raw action and not on other characteristics of the event such as statistics, replays and in-depth analysis. Immediacy tries to create an intimate link between the event and the viewer by covering the event as smoothly as possible without interrupting the flow or introducing distractions. There is an effort to engage the viewer more directly with the event and make him or her feel as if they are there watching from the stands. Hypermediacy is contrary but closely related to immediacy and involves the use of event statistics, replays from every angle and in-depth analysis to study the event and allow the viewer to gain a better understanding of it. Multiple forms of media e.g., text, graphs, animation, film are involved in hypermediacy. It can be observed that hypermediacy is a pre-occupation the media and viewers are able to engage in after the live event. For example, a live football match which falls under the immediacy term can be scrutinized ball by ball and statistical analysis studied once the game has ended or during the half time period. Hypermediacy allows the viewer to gain a wider knowledge of various aspects of the game's details whereas
A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Essay
A Critical Review in the Contemporary Themes in Youth Work Practice, Thematic Area Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - Essay Example The article argues that human beings and their humanity are as a result a result of both nature and nurture and thus none can be successful without the other. In this case nature is in reference to the genetic components that make up heir system while nurture is in reference to the various experiences that they go through while growing up at the various stages of their lives (Perry, 2002). The argument is that these two factors are essential in the development of a human being thus it ca n be said that both genes as well as experience are interdependent of one another. The understanding that I received from this article is that there is a need for both genetic development as well as experience for an individual to grow into a well rounded figure and a lack of any of these factors or a provision of negative ones will in turn deprive the person from forming into a well adjusted individual when they are in the adult stages of their lives (Perry, 2002). The article also explains that the earlier stages of an individuals lives (that is, from infancy to around their years as a toddler) are the more vital parts of an individuals life when the experiences that they undergo will have a vital effect on them and their psychological and emotional development (Perry, 2002). This is clearly seen in an example whereby a child who is not touched during their early stages as a baby is likely to suffer more and such an experience have an adverse effect as compared to a child who has reached puberty undergoing the same experience. This example also exhibits that dif ferent experiences are vital during different stages of one’s life and do not really play a large role after that stage in life has already been passed. The article has also argued that the neurodevelopment of an individual is highly influenced not only by the genetic transformations that take place,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discuss in Scholarly Detail the Benefits and Risks Associated with Strategic Management Essay Example for Free
Discuss in Scholarly Detail the Benefits and Risks Associated with Strategic Management Essay Strategic management allows organizations to be more proactive than reactive and to initiate and influence internal and external activities to gain control over its own destiny. It allows executives at all levels to participate in analyzing a firms current practices in order to formulate and implement shorter and longer term strategies for growth and development. Historically, this participative approach has produced better results. Another benefit of strategic management has been to formulate better strategies through the use of the more systematic and proven methodologies. Organizations of all sizes have recognized and realized the benefits of strategic management. While financial benefits include increased sales, profitability and productivity, non-Financial benefits include, better understanding of competitor’s strategies and reduced resistance to change across the organization. Strategic planning with risk awareness has always been difficult. According to Rick Funston Bob Ruprecht (, Success demands excellent risk management as a core competency. Risk intelligence enables an organization to respond to rapidly changing circumstances with greater agility and resilience. Risk handled well becomes a source of competitive advantage; handled poorly it can severely hamper a companys prospects. The greater the risk, the less complacent organization can afford to be. More often executives who are responsible for strategic planning lack an integrated view of risk due to the unavailability of business intelligence when needed. Many organizations fail to consider a range of time horizons when incorporating risk considerations into the planning process resulting in uncertainty down the chain-of-command with each expanding time horizon. Unavailability of an integrated decision-support framework that links key performance metrics with business and risk intelligence multiplies the risks exponentially.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Role of Nitric Oxide in the Effect of Nebivolol
Role of Nitric Oxide in the Effect of Nebivolol ORIGINAL RTICLE ROLE OF NITRIC OXIDE IN THE EFFECT OF NEBIVOLOL ON ISOLATED TRACHEAL MUSCLE OF GUINEA PIG Asma Shaukat, Naila Abrar*, Ayesha Naureen**, Muhammad Nawaz*** Background: The use of beta blockers is limited by their ability to produce bronchospasm in asthmatics. Third generation ÃŽ ²-blockers like Nebivolol may show better tolerability because they may augment the release of nitric oxide (NO) from endothelial cells. However the involvement of NO in the respiratory effect of Nebivolol remains controversial. The present study, carried out on isolated tracheal muscle strips of guinea pigs, was designed to explore this controversy. Method: Varying concentration of histamine ranging from 10‑7 M to 10‑3 M were used to plot a concentration response curve on the isolated tracheal muscle strips of guinea pig and was used as a control. The same concentration response curve was plotted in presence of a fixed concentration of Nebivolol 106 M and then again in presence of a fixed concentration of L-Nitro Arginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME) 104 M and Nebivolol 106 M together in a series of experiments using six sets of isolated tracheal muscle strips in each case. Results: Nebivolol did not produce any significant shift in the concentration response curve while in the presence of L-NAME, Nebivolol shifted the histamine concentration response curve upwards and to the left. Conclusion: Nebivolol does not augment the histamine induced contraction of respiratory smooth muscle of guinea pig but in the presence of Nitric Oxide inhibitor L-NAME a significant augmentation of the same curve occurs, indicating a role of NO in the sparing of respiratory smooth muscle by Nebivolol. Keywords: Nebivolol, L-NAME, Concentration response curve, Tracheal muscle INTRODUCTION Pulmonary diseases with bronchial hyperactivity can be worsened or even precipitated by ÃŽ ²2 adrenoceptor blockage more commonly seen with non-selective ÃŽ ²-blockers.1 Nebivolol is a third generation à ¯Ã‚  ¢-blocker which may have advantage over classical à ¯Ã‚  ¢-lockers due to its sparing effect on tracheal muscle attributed to its ability to augment the release of NO from endothelial cells.2,3 The potent effects of NO on vascular smooth muscle and its presence in major conducting airways raises the possibility that it could contribute to the regulation of airway smooth muscle tone.4 However, the involvement of NO in the sparing effect of nebivolol on respiratory muscle is still controversial. Dal Negro et al, and Clini et al have reported in their in vivo study that single daily dose of nebivolol does not affect the production of exhaled NO in patients with mild to moderate asthma.5,6 Still there are some studies which report that increase in NO release by nebivolol may contribute to its respiratory effects.1,7 All the aforementioned review of literature therefore reveals the fact that there is no consensus on the role of NO in the respiratory effects of nebivolol and needs further elucidation. The present study was therefore aimed to explore the role of nitric oxide in modulating the effect of nebivolol on tracheal muscle of guinea pig. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study has been conducted on the isolated tracheal smooth muscle of 24 guinea pigs (male and female) of Dunkin Hartley variety weighing 500 to 600 grams. Ethics Committee approval of the protocol was obtained. The animals were housed at animal house of Army Medical College, Rawalpindi at room temperature, and were given tap water ad libitum and were fed with a standard diet. Krebs Henseleit solution was used as the nutrient solution the composition of which per 1000 ml is: NaCl 118.2 mM, KCl 4.7 mM, MgSO4.7H2O 1.2 mM, CaCl2 2.5 mM, KH2PO4 1.3 mM, NaHCO3 25.0 mM, Dextrose 11.7 mM. Solutions of all drugs were prepared in the distilled water except for nebivolol the solution of which was prepared in Dimethyl sulphoxide since nebivolol is highly lipophilic and insoluble in water.8 The trachea was obtained from guinea pigs and preserved in Kreb’s solution. Rings, 2–3 mm wide were formed from it and cut into strips by a longitudinal cut on the ventral side opposite to the smooth muscle. The strip was then suspended in a tissue bath of 50 ml capacity, containing Kreb’s solution at 37  ºC and was aerated with oxygen continuously. Its one end was attached to the oxygen tube while the other end was connected to an isometric force displacement transducer. The tissue was equilibrated for 45 minutes against an imposed tension of two grams. A tension of one gram was applied to the tracheal strip continuously throughout the experiments.9 The trachealis muscle activity was recorded through the transducer on 4-channel oscillograph by adding different concentrations of histamine, i.e., 10-7 to 103 M with an interval of 10 minutes between each concentration. Six experiments were performed and the mean response for each concentration was worked out. A c oncentration response curve was obtained by plotting the percent contraction against the logarithm of concentrations. In the second group tracheal muscle strips were pretreated with fixed dose of nebivolol (106 M) for 15 minutes while in third group trachea was pretreated with L-NAME (104 M) for 15 minutes and then the same procedure was followed for different concentrations of histamine.10 In the fourth group the tracheal muscle was first pretreated with fixed concentration of L-NAME for 15 minutes followed by nebivolol again for 15 minutes. Then the same procedure was followed. The results have been expressed as Mean ±SEM using Microsoft Excel. The differences between the observations were considered significant if the p-value was less than 0.05 by using Student’s t-test. RESULTS Group-1 was taken as the control group and percent response with 103 M in group-1 was taken as 100% and responses with other concentrations were compared with it (Table-1). Table-1: Comparison of Group 1 with Group 2 Table-2: Comparison of Group 1 with Group 3 Table-3: Comparison of Group 2 with Group 4 DISCUSSION From the above findings, it is inferred that nebivolol has no significant effect on histamine-induced contractions of tracheal smooth muscle. These findings support the results of in vivo study whereby nebivolol, both acutely or chronically administered, did not affect airway responsiveness to inhaled histamine in rabbits.7 Similar findings have been reported in other in vivo studies. In a study conducted by De Clerck et al., (1989) it was reported that nebivolol decreased heart rate without significantly increasing pulmonary reactivity to histamine. 11 In this study some aspects concerned with the mechanisms that may be responsible for the lack of bronchoconstrictor effect of nebivolol on tracheal smooth muscle were explored. There may be many possible mechanisms which can explain the sparing effect of nebivolol. It is the most selective à ¯Ã‚  ¢1-adrenoceptor antagonist currently available for clinical use; its à ¯Ã‚  ¢1 selectivity is 3.5 times more than bisoprolol which was previously considered as the most cardioselective à ¯Ã‚  ¢ blocker. Beta 1 receptor selectivity is an important determinant of less incidence of bronchoconstriction and other adverse effects seen with cardioselective à ¯Ã‚  ¢ blockers.3 However several in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that cardioselective blockers such as atenolol and metoprolol do increase airway hyperresponsiveness, though to a lesser extent. De Clerck et al, (1989) compared the bronchoconstrictor effects of atenolol, nebivolol and propranolol in guinea pigs and they reported that bronchoconstriction was greatest with propranolol followed by atenolol while nebivolol had sparing effect.11 So the different effect of nebivolol can not be fully explained by its à ¯Ã‚  ¢1 selectivity.7 Another possible mechanism is that the effect of nebivolol may be because of partial agonist activity at à ¯Ã‚  ¢2 receptors but several studies have shown that nebivolol lacks partial agonist activity at à ¯Ã‚  ¢2 receptors.12 Therefore, this mechanism does not seem to be plausible. Nebivolol has been reported to modulate the endogenous production of NO.1 Nitric oxide is an important endogenous bronchodilator and is generated by a family of NO synthase isoforms in the airways.13 Considering the potential role of endogenous NO in the control of airways, its role was evaluated in the effects of nebivolol. For that purpose, L-NAME which is a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase was used. In one group effect of histamine was studied on tracheal muscle strips pretreated with fixed concentrations of L-NAME (10-4M) and its curve was compared with curve of control group. The difference was statistically insignificant indicating the absence of any effect of L-NAME on histamine induced contraction of tracheal muscle. In another group, the isolated tracheal muscle of guinea pig was pretreated with fixed concentrations of L-NAME (10-4M) and nebivolol (10-6M) respectively and then the effects of histamine were studied on this tissue model. At all the concentrations of histamine contraction of tracheal muscle was augmented and the p-value was 14,15 Nitric oxide that is released may interfere with the cholinergic neurotransmission either by functional antagonism on airway smooth muscle or via pre-junctional inhibition of release of acetylcholine from cholinergic nerve terminals. These findings suggest that NO indeed has some role in the sparing effect of nebivolol on the airways. This may be due to the reason that nebivolol induced-bronchoconstriction is counter balanced by the release of NO by nebivolol which causes bronchodilation resulting in the overall sparing effect of nebivolol on the airway smooth muscle. The NO-mediated inhibition of the acetylcholine-dependent bronchoconstriction may thus contribute to explain the differences between nebivolol and other à ¯Ã‚  ¢-blockers on the airway responsiveness. CONCLUSION NO may be responsible for sparing effect of nebivolol on airway smooth muscle. This may be due to the reason that nebivolol like classical beta blockers induces bronchospasm which is counter balanced by the relaxant effect of nitric oxide released by nebivolol thus lacking the net effect on airway smooth muscle. REFERENCES Dal Negro R. Pulmonary effects of nebivolol. Ther Adv Cardiovas Dis 2009;3:329–34. Scheen AJ. Pharma-clinics medication of the month, nebivolol Rev Med Liege 2001;56:788–91. Bundkirchen A, Brixius K, Bà ¶lck B, Nguyen Q, Schwinger RH. Beta 1-adrenoceptor selectivity of nebivolol and bisoprolol. A comparison of [3H]CGP 12.177 and [125I]iodocyanopindolol binding studies. Eur J Pharmacol 2003;460:19–26. Matera MG. Nitric oxide and airways. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 1998;11:341–8. 5. Dal Negro RW, Tognella S, Pomari C. Once daily nebivolol does not reduce airway patency in patients with COPD and arterial hypertension. Clin Drug Invest 2002;22:361–67. 6. Clini E, Bianchi L, Pagani M, Ambrosino N.. Endogenous nitric oxide in patients with stable COAD: Correlates with severity of disease. Thorax 1998;53:881–3. Agostino BD, Gallelli L, Falciani M, Fici F, Mangrella M. Nebivolol and airway responsiveness in the rabbit. Life Sci 2001;68:2159–68. Quang TT, Rozec B, Audigane L, Gauthier C. Investigation of the different adrenoceptor targets of nebivolol enantiomers in rat thoracic aorta. Br J Pharmacol 2009;156:601–8. Gillani AH, Khan, AU, Rauf M, Ghayur MN, Siddiqui BS, WohraW, Begum S. Gastrointestinal, Selective airway and urinary bladder relaxant effect of Hyoscyamus niger are mediated through dual blockade of muscarinic receptors and Calcium channels. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2008;22:87–9. Maffei A, Pardo AD, Carangi R, Carullo P, Poulet R, Gentile MT, Vecchione C, Lembo G. Nebivolol induces nitric oxide release in the heart through inducible nitric oxide synthase activation. Hypertension 2007;50:652–6. 11. De Clerck F, Van Gorp L, Loots W, Janssen PA. Differential effects of nebivolol, atenolol and propranolol on heart rate and on bronchoconstrictor responses to histamine in the guinea-pig. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1989;298:230–6. Hoffman BB. Catecholamines, sympathomimetic drugs and adrenergic receptor antagonists. In: Brunton LL, Lazo JS, Parker KL (Eds). Goodman and Gillman’s. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 11th edition, New York: Mc GrawHill; 2006. p. 215–68. Maarsingh H, Leusink J, Zaagsma J, Meurs H. Role of the L-citrulline/L-arginine cycle in iNANC nerve-mediated nitric oxide production and airway smooth muscle relaxation in allergic asthma. Eur J Pharmacol 2006;546(1-3):171–6. Ignarro LJ. Experimental evidences of nitric oxide-dependent vasodilatory activity of nebivolol, a third generation beta-blocker. Blood Press Suppl 2004;1:2–16. Ricciardolo FL. Multiple roles of nitric oxide in the airways. Thorax 2003;58:175–82 Address for Correspondence: Dr. Asma Shaukat, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Abbottabad International Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Res: 438, Link Road, Aram Bagh, Abbottabad, Pakistan. Tel: +92-992-331588 Email: [emailprotected]
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Roles in ESL Education :: essays research papers
Article Review Discourse and Real-Life Roles in the ESL Classroom      Suggestions have been made (DiPietro, as cited in DiPietro J. R., 1981) as to how the ESL/EFL teacher can provide diverse learner personalities with strategically oriented material. Students get the chance to practice discourses in classroom settings but not always in the same way that the learners will use in real-life interactions. This article proposes a categorization for different roles of English learners in the classroom. The author established three types of roles: social, emotive, and maturational. He believes that through a multidimensional model of dialogue, some exercises can be developed and implemented in the classroom to lead these second language learners to role play in simulated natural setting while acquiring knowledge of the grammatical structure of English.      The author points out three main ways to incorporate role-playing in the classroom; social, emotive, and maturational. What he means by this is that as English learners children must also learn the many different roles they will come across once they are ‘mainstreamed’. A social role for example would be that of vendor/customer, employer/employee, or taxi driver/customer, just to name a few. An example of an emotive role would be that of a friend or rival, a role that could potentially be sensitive or touchy. Finally, maturational would define those roles that we learn as we grow up or mature. Some examples of maturational roles are mother/daughter, adult/adult, or child/child.      The author’s main point is that â€Å"We teachers should provide our students with enough English (a) to recognize the role-intentions of others, and (b) either to complement those roles or to counter them with personally-desired ones†     There are many possible ways to incorporate these role-playing ideas into the classroom. One idea that came to mind would be to do what I call ‘ Script Mix Up’. The idea is to write up a type of script in social, emotive, or maturational style. Then mix what the characters are saying around on a sheet of paper that will be passed out to students. Have them come up to the board and write these in the correct order. This activity not only makes them have to interact with one another to come up with the right choice, but it will make students have to think about what is the right order of conversation in different situations. Another possible activity that the author states is interactional games.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Lets Stop Glorifying Drugs in Music Videos Essay -- Argumentative Per
Let's Stop Glorifying Drugs in Music Videos The music industry and the glorification of drugs in music video's today have changed drastically on a higher level. Since the powerful influence of Hip-Hop and it's emergence into a worldwide culture, it has sweep through inner cites and suburban life styles impacting each and everyone of us. The Hip-Hop culture, not only as a form of free poetic expression (form of spoken word and poetry,) by young black African Americans but a true look into a way of life that many of us will never see or come in contact with. We see it everyday on MTV and BET, young artists speaking their minds about getting rich off criminal activities that seem to boost there popularity among generations of all ages. I'm not saying that this is all that these artists are capable of producing, many have verbal skills beyond that of any other normal human being. I feel that they are more important things to talk about and express other than "rolling up tree's and crack sales." In my own personal opinion this only makes you look and sound like a ... Let's Stop Glorifying Drugs in Music Videos Essay -- Argumentative Per Let's Stop Glorifying Drugs in Music Videos The music industry and the glorification of drugs in music video's today have changed drastically on a higher level. Since the powerful influence of Hip-Hop and it's emergence into a worldwide culture, it has sweep through inner cites and suburban life styles impacting each and everyone of us. The Hip-Hop culture, not only as a form of free poetic expression (form of spoken word and poetry,) by young black African Americans but a true look into a way of life that many of us will never see or come in contact with. We see it everyday on MTV and BET, young artists speaking their minds about getting rich off criminal activities that seem to boost there popularity among generations of all ages. I'm not saying that this is all that these artists are capable of producing, many have verbal skills beyond that of any other normal human being. I feel that they are more important things to talk about and express other than "rolling up tree's and crack sales." In my own personal opinion this only makes you look and sound like a ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Exploring ‘‘Woman’s sphere’’ Essay
George Sand and Harriet Beecher Stowe, as the two popular nineteenth-century female authors, they had much in common, such as the strong spirit of independence and fight for rights for women etc. However, they certainly had some differences too. In this essay, it will be talk about their similarities, differences and which one is better. Also, their success and construction to the society will be discussed too. Sand and Stowe were also facing problems as other women although they were well-known and successful in their careers. They had aristocratic background but they had already lived with poverty. They had the experience of turbulent years of civil and social strife. Compared to them, maybe Sand was the poor one. Her love affair was not smoothly. After Sand end her first unhappy marriage, she was living with a series of men, even people called her ‘‘the most obscene of women’’. Stowe had the quite different lifestyle. She was more conservative relatively. However, in the political area, Sand did not agree that the political rights for women, even suffrage. She valued social equality but not political equality. Stowe favored women suffrage and thought that it was a way to advance the virtues of domesticity. Besides, this two writers also played an active role on public affairs by writing. Sand mainly focused on the injustices on women and the lower classes while Stowe was describing the predicament of slaves. However, each advocated that woman’s way of looking at things is valued and believed that it could help to improve the world if the men understood it. The most important view of them is that women had the rights to work and own property. Women should be paid equally with man. The love and virtue of women can change the world. It might be a little bit exaggerated but the things they did were actually change the world and improve the rights of women. This two famous female writer were also successful and contributive. Who was a better one to the society? Sand used a male pseudonym and men’s clothing to get more freedom. In addition, her lifestyle might be more open than many women nowadays.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Case on Blood Essay
Doctors determined that Harold is anemic, meaning he is suffering from anemia. Anemia is a condition in which your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells. Anemia also can occur if your red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin. If you have anemia, like Harold, your body doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood. As a result, you may feel tired or weak. You also may have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or headaches. The primary pieces of evidence from the CBC that point to this diagnosis are the results of the hematocrit and the hemoglobin. Both of these results fall under the reference range for Harold. 4. Harold has a chronic form of atrophic gastritis, so his doctor ordered tests to check his levels of vitamin B12 in his blood. Harold’s gastritis affects these levels by having a lower number than the normal range. Harold would have a deficiency in B12 because it typically occurs in people whose digestive systems do not adequately absorb the vitamin from the foods they eat, for example Atrophic Gastritis. 5. There are several different types of anemia. Harold is suffering from Vitamin deficiency anemia. Beginning with the peripheral blood smear we can describe the key pieces of evidence used to draw this conclusion. Harold’s blood smear we can see an increase area of pale appearance and also the irregular shape in RBC’s. The symptoms Harold was having are associated with Vitamin deficiency anemia. For example, extreme fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat (tachycardia) and difficulty sleeping are all symptoms Harold was having and also are symptoms of Vitamin deficiency anemia. We could also draw this conclusion by the level of hemoglobin. Harold’s hemoglobin level was 10. 6 g/dl. The normal range is 13-18 g/dl. We can obviously draw the conclusion that his hemoglobin levels were below the reference range. 6. Treatment for vitamin deficiency anemia includes supplements and changes in diet. For milder cases of vitamin B-12 deficiency, treatment may involve changes to your diet and vitamin B-12 supplements in pill form or as a nasal spray. In more severe cases, you may receive vitamin B-12 injections. At first you may receive the shots as often as every other day. Eventually you’ll need injections just once a month, which may continue for life, depending on your situation. Harold had already tried changing his diet and the symptoms did not fully go away so he would fall into the category of having a more severe case. This would treat his symptoms by correcting them and Harold would not have to deal with them anymore. . Harold’s tachycardia and chronic gastritis are key pieces of evidence in this case that go beyond what shows up in his CBC. Tachycardia is a sign that Harold has vitamin deficiency anemia because it a symptom that doctors look for when diagnosing this type of anemia. Harold’s chronic gastritis is a cause of him having his condition. We know this because Atrophic gastritis is caused by a lack of vitamin B12 which is what Harold has.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Franchising Opportunities in McDonald
Operating since 1955, McDonalds is world’s leading food service retailer with approximately 30,000 outlets in 119 countries serving roughly 46 million customers per day. McDonalds holds a large share in the globally branded fast food restaurants practically in every country and is one of the most famous and valuable brands. Since the very beginning, McDonald has always been a franchising company with franchising as its business focus. Moreover, since it is a well established brand franchising with it will ensure business security. The company poses attractive franchising opportunities as it is spread globally franchisees can literally choose the city of their choice. The franchisee will be assured that the brand is strong and business would be steady as the brand knows how to survive through generations despite the cutthroat competition. There are advantages for the franchisee as working with a giant is lucrative and adds to personal business knowledge. McDonald takes personal interest and supports the business whether local or international especially in areas of training, operations,  advertising, marketing, human resources, real estate, construction, purchasing and maintenance. This would enable maintenance of standards and be a big support to the franchisee for running the business. The franchising process is quite flexible and attainable. A new McDonald restaurant varies from $466,000 -955,500 USD. Of course the size of the facility of the restaurant, area and locality, expenses of pre-opening, the inventory, equipment, signage, dà ©cor and the landscaping will impact the cost. An initial fee of $45,000 USD is paid to McDonald's Corporation for all new restaurants. The initial cash investment is $175,000 minimum for a conventional purchase or $100,000 for a Business Facilities Lease. However the company doesn’t offer financing to franchisees and the initial fee capital should be your own and not borrowed. This means that the franchisee has to have a solid initial capital of its own. McDonald itself will develop the location and will evaluate and select it. It acquires the property, improves the site and undertakes the construction. It is the responsibility of the franchisee to equip the facility. Once the sites are developed they are offered to prospective franchisees. This ensures that the business is set in the right place and will be lucrative and at the same time standards will be maintained. The profitably defers due to reasons like sales location of the restaurant, occupancy and the cost of operating and the individual ability of the franchisee to manage and control. 4% of monthly sales are given as royalty to the company which could at times be heavy for the franchisee. The prospects look good but from the point of view of the franchisee they may not be so. Firstly, McDonald being a world renowned firm has its exceptionally high standards of quality and services which have to be met by world standards. There is tough competition between outlets in terms of promotions and services which the franchisee has to keep up. Also, there is a heavy down payment and a royalty from monthly sales. The franchisee may not be able to open the franchise in the location of his choice. Lastly, obtaining a franchise may be difficult as there is a long wait in line. Nevertheless, because of the steady flow of business and prospective relations with a world renowned brand, franchisees choose McDonalds evident by their ever growing franchises globally. Reference [Online] Available at:
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Health Care and Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Health Care and Death - Essay Example For some people, death is the ultimate end. They don't see anything beyond death whereas for some, death is just a beginning for a life after death. I believe in life after death and this somehow helps me see death in a different light. For me, I see death as a necessary painful process in order for something beautiful to arise. In nursing school, we are taught and prepared on how to deal with patients and how to deal with the death of some of these patients. We are told to build rapport and empathize with them, but still keeping in mind the boundaries of a patient-nurse relationship. However, as Patch Adams said, transference and counter-transference are inevitable. As I spend more time with my patients, I get to know more about their personal lives and from just mere strangers, these patients become my friends. Even harder to deal with are patients will terminal diseases like cancer as these are the patients that I spend time with them for months even up to years. These patients have to accept the fact that they have little time left. The grieving process for the patient and his loved ones start from the time of diagnosis. The hard part is that they have to deal with death while the person is still living. Honestly, I am affected whenever I see my dying patients suffer not just physically, but emotionally as well.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Military Tribunals and the American Court System Essay
Military Tribunals and the American Court System - Essay Example International agreements define the proper treatment of prisoners and the acceptable treatment of civilians during times of war. This has had a practical reason as it has traditionally prevented field commanders from committing atrocities that would so inflame the enemy that they would seek widespread revenge on their opponent. To assure that armies would keep war civilized, special processes have been set up to deal with those that transgress the rules and prearranged agreements. A court martial is often used to prosecute individuals of one's own armed forces. However, when the enemy is conquered and has violated the principle and sensibilities of the victor, they can become the defendants in a military tribunal, a seldom used process to handle unusual cases in unique situations. This paper will explain the process of the military tribunal. It will discuss the history of US tribunals and their relevance to international events and conventions. It will define the difference between civilian courts, courts martial, and the military tribunal. It will further explore the requirements and rationalizations for holding a military tribunal as opposed to civilian courts. More importantly, it will discuss the constitutional evolution of the military tribunal and will examine key cases from the past. ... This paper will not form any legal opinion on the constitutionality of the military tribunal. It also will not offer a social or political opinion of the process. These are beyond the scope of this research. It will, however, offer the rationale used by the courts and government officials to arrive at their various opinions. It will include both sides of the controversy as seen by those that are most directly involved. It will highlight the unusual cases in history that have created the controversy over congressional and presidential power with respect to military tribunals. To begin a discussion of the military tribunal, it needs to be put into the context of more conventional and familiar court systems. The military tribunal differs from our civilian courts and a court martial in their purpose, approach, rules of evidence, and method of operation. Court martial is used to prosecute members of the military for criminal offenses that may be a violation of the articles of war or crime such as theft, violence, or criminal activity. They are similar to civilian courts in their guarantee of rights except that they make no allowance for a jury of peers. The jury is composed of appointed military officers. They do follow the same rules of evidence and due process for the defendant. Where a civilian court is used to prosecute civilians who violate the civilian law, tribunals have historically been used for the purpose of prosecuting an armed service's personnel who have violated the articles of war or international agreements. However they have occasionally been used in extraordinary situations to control the civilian population. The war on terror has brought about new definitions of 'enemy combatant' and the current
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Toyota Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Toyota - Research Paper Example Furthermore the company should start a new advertising and public relation campaign in order to recover its affected image. The entire project will be very much feasible if the company works according to the provided plan. The Japan based Toyota Motor Corporation has been dominating the automobile industry over the past few years. The company started its journey back in 1937 as Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. In the next year, production started in the Honsha plant of the company. In 1950 the company faced severe financial crisis. In the same year Toyota Motor Sales Co. Ltd. was established. In 1959 production started in another plant named Motomachi. In 1966 the company launched Corolla and in 1982 Toyota motor Sales Co. Ltd. merged with Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corporation was formed. Today Toyota’s main business is producing and selling automobiles. Its head office is situated in Tokyo, Japan. There are four brands through which the company sells its cars. These are Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino. In addition to automobile production the company is also involved in other industries like housing, ITS, financial service, biotechnology & afforestation and marine. There are some clearly defined guiding principles that help the company and its managers to handle the entire operation. Toyota believes that it is very important to become good corporate citizen and in order to do so it is important to honor the spirit of law and language of each and every nation it operates in. The company believes in fair and open corporate activities. Furthermore Toyota’s guiding principles also say that customs and culture of every nation need to be respected. It is also found that the company always tries to make some positive contribution to the social as well as to economic development of the communities. The company is found to be operating on the principle of providing safe and
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Active Directory Hierarchy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Active Directory Hierarchy - Coursework Example There will be three organizational units in the active directory namely, Agents, Accounting and Management. Additionally, there will be one central hub site that has the major organization infrastructure and accounting systems and the central management. There will be 10 sites for the 10 agents working for the company. The Active directory diagram is shown below in figure The company will have three user groups namely: Agents, accountants and Managers belonging to each organizational unit in the organization. The users will include the ten agents who are members of the agent's group, the Accountant who is a member of the accountant's group and the manager belonging to the Managers group.The server in the organization will have 2 hyper-v machines that have individual dedicated Network Interface Cards (NIC). The main server shall provide DNS and the DHCP to all the clients.Â
Friday, October 4, 2019
European union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
European union Law - Essay Example The conditions that were laid down were that the provision must be clear and precise; it must be unconditional; and its operations must not be dependent upon further action by national or EC authorities. The query as to whether a Directive could have direct effect was found to be contentious. Directives are intended to be implemented and brought into effect by national legislation within a stipulated period of time. ‘A Directive is to be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢2 On a literal interpretation the power is conferred on the Member State so as to implement the measure. Thus the idea had been that the condition of further implementing measure could not be satisfied so no direct effect. However, in, the courts3 found that an individual could rely on a directive which had not been implemented in national law. Further development occurred by relating the doctrine of estoppels and stating that a State could n ot rely on its own fault to frustrate the rights that had been conferred upon individuals under the Directive. Thus if Member State due to its fault, fails to implement the Directive in national law or has done so inaccurately, the individual can claim against the state the rights that have been provided, had the Directive been (correctly) implemented4. Thus allowing vertical effect is appropriate because the fault can be attributed to the Member State for its failure and not of any other individual.5. This rule had been criticized for inequality, as an action could only be brought against the state.6However, it is important that the time limit for implementation must expire, because before that the Member State is not in breach of any obligation.7 In respect of the facts at hand the Directive has been incorrectly implemented, however, the problem lies in the fact that the timeline for the Directive to be implemented has not passed and therefore dependency is still there and the con ditions for direct effect would not be satisfied and an action against Age Aged Ltd cannot be brought about by Per by way of direct effect. The doctrine of indirect effect was laid down so as to allow parties to claim if they could not rely on direct effect8. The doctrine places an obligation on national courts to interpret national legislation ‘in the light of wording and purpose’ of Community law that is the duty of harmonious interpretation. The principal is to apply to national legislation regardless of whether it is passed before or after the EC legislation9. Indirect effect applies to vertical as well as horizontal actions. The limits that have been placed are that there must be national legislation; the doctrine applies subject to general principles of law, e.g. legal certainty and non-retroactivity10; and the exception of criminal liability11, however, this does not apply in respect of claims for civil liability on individuals12. In respect of the current situat ion it is important to point out that there is national legislation which has incorrectly implemented the directive and therefore Per can claim that the national courts are duty bound to implement it so as to give effect to the limitation on exclusion clauses in business contracts and therefore claim against Age
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Kodak Essay Example for Free
Kodak Essay The purpose of this report is to perform an extensive analysis of the Eastman Kodak digital photography brand, and ultimately, to provide a sound marketing strategy to their board based on our findings. We do so by examining both a macro view of the digital camera industry as well as analyzing the brand’s history, positioning, success factors, and current challenges. We discovered that Eastman Kodak, while once the unquestionable leader in the film industry, failed to adapt to changing technological market trends and was left behind the digital revolution. Kodak’s unsuccessful response to a major technological discontinuity has resulted in a profound loss of market share and profitability. We have developed a market plan for the dire state Kodak currently finds itself in, one that will attempt to reinvigorate Kodak’s brand as a premium name in digital photography by returning to its traditional values and competencies. While the company currently operates through three distinct segments: Digital Film Imaging, Health Group, and Graphic Communications, we have narrowed our scope to focus primarily on the digital film segment as we felt that this area has the most potential for improvement in the near future. The Digital Film Industry Origins of the Market The evolution of the digital camera market mirrors the evolution of the technology and innovations surrounding photography itself. Throughout the nineteenth century the motivations behind innovations and discoveries in photography surrounded the speed and affordability of creating an exposure. Some of the earliest photographs took up to eight hours of exposure to complete, and were often contained on flimsy and expensive materials, that did not lend themselves to being easily shared. It is evident that the desire to quickly create and share still images existed more than a century before modern digital cameras were ever created. Early attempts at digitizing images for storage remained largely in the video imaging segment, and very little focus was put on the technology for still images. The progress that was made was characterized by poor picture quality and very difficult storage procedures. As a result, professional photographers and hobbyists clung to the old processes of developing film well into the 1990’s. In reality it was the increasingly competitive nature of the news media, particularly in the newspaper industry that led to some of the more workable innovations in digital still imaging technology. It was seen as a competitive advantage for a media outlet to take, store, and send images through digital transmission, rather than wait for a slow development process before a picture could even be viewed. It is no coincidence that the first commercially available digital cameras were incredibly expensive and used almost exclusively by photo journalists. As was the case with the market, for still cameras relying on 35mm film for picture development, it was technological breakthroughs that spurred the growth of the digital camera market. With the development of JPEG file formats in the late 1980’s digital images could be taken and stored on the same device using battery power. Although there are many competitive claims as to who entered the market first, Kodak was arguably the first entrant in 1991 with the DCS-100. The Growth of Digital Photography The transformation from conventional to digital photography was a total shift of technology that not only completely changed the way companies of this industry operate, but also the products and services they offered. Advancement in the information and communication technologies also significantly contributed in shaping digital photography, as well as the digital camera itself. Computers were being used to store and edit photographs, while internet offered an easy way to share and distribute multiple copies of the image to different people at the same time. Furthermore, the concept of a photograph being original was eliminated as duplicate, unidentifiable copies of the image were possible. The key growth stages of the digital photography can be summarized as follows. Steven Sasson (of Kodak) invented the digital camera in 1985 in Kodak research laboratories. The low operating cost, easy storage and distribution were the major attractive features of this new product. Instead of using film like traditional analog cameras they were able to store the image on internal storage or on rewritable memory cards. In 1986, many electronic cameras were released by different manufacturers, e.g., Canon released first still video electronic camera, Kodak: 1.4 million pixel CCD, Nikon: SVC, electronic camera with a 2/3-inch CCD of 300 000 pixels, Sony: Mavica A7AF still video camera, (CCD) of 380,000 pixels which records images onto a 2-inch floppy disks. The world’s first fully digital consumer digital camera was released by Fuji, with the feature that images could be digitally recorded on a removable memory cards. Since then the improvement in camera manufacturing has continued over the years, as new players joined the race with the discovery of new dimensions of digital technology and its applications, and the need for new accessories. Hewlett-Pakard’s ink jet printers became consumer items. Sanyo, Samsung, Olympus also released new digital cameras, and Toshiba manufactured memory cards. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) created compression file format to easily transfer digital image electronically. The products were further improved with the better understanding of digital technology as continued research and costs were considerably reduced in 1998, leading to exponential rise in sales of digital cameras over the next years. (See Exhibit 1 to see how digital camera sales have skyrocketed since the turn of the century). New professions emerged covering various available features of the digital cameras, and cameras were developed for the specific segments and niches, such as amateur photography, advertizing photography, editorial photography, documentary photography and scientific photography. Digital photography is still far from maturity, as products are continuously introduced or improved though constant innovation. The need to develop specifications (sizes, dimensional tolerance for imaging media, and formats for all major users) and written standards for digital imaging are realized, developed by American National Standards Institute and International Standards Organization. Ultimately, the arrival of digital photography, combined with the ever-improving capabilities of computers to store and display photographs, and the Internet to share them helped revolutionize the major customer processes associated with photography. Photographs could now be taken by consumers at virtually no cost, who could then choose to save or delete their photos with the push of a button, and decide to print them on a PC printer or via email. It is clear then that the industry is almost completely driven by both social and technological change. Competitors Overall, the digital film industry is a highly competitive one. An analysis of the forces that determine the long-run profit attractiveness of this particular segment would reveal that the industry has: high threat of segment rivalry (existence of several large competing companies); high threat of new entrants (abundance of digital photography technology on mobile devices); extremely high threat of substitute devices (countless ways to put an image into digital format); high threat of buyer power (low differentiation level of most digital cameras); and finally, high threat of supplier power (cost of switching suppliers for a large digital camera company would be astronomical). Kodak manufactures and distributes a large number of different products, primarily focused around photography. The sale of each line of products comes with its own competitors. However, for the purposes of this report, the focus of the competitor analysis will be on cameras, both digital and non digital varieties. The camera industry had worldwide sales of $35.5 billion in 2010. Given the large value of this industry, it is important to know what share of the market Kodak’s competitors’ control. A look at the market for digital SLR cameras, disposable cameras and film follows. The world market for digital SLR cameras is dominated by Canon and Nikon, who held world market shares of 37% and 33% respectively in 2010. The remaining 30% market share is held primarily by Sony and Olympus/Panasonic. Sony sold 12% of the world’s digital SLR cameras in 2010, and Olympus/Panasonic had 11% of the market in that same period. Kodak was only one of the several competitors who comprise the remaining 7% of worldwide digital SLR camera sales. Low cost digital SLR cameras have come on to the market and are competing in the same space as digital compact cameras. A look at Kodak’s website showed only one brand of digital SLR camera is being offered by Kodak. Since Kodak is primarily competing in the digital camera space through compact cameras, the shift in digital SLR cameras to a lower price point does not bode well for Kodak since it increases competition. Disposable camera sales in 2009 were comprised primarily of cameras under the Kodak and Fuji brands. Kodak enjoyed a 52.9% market share in this period, while Fuji held 18.1% of the world market. The majority of the remaining 29% of the worldwide market of disposable cameras came from private label brands, who sold 28.4% of disposable cameras worldwide. Disposable cameras like any other cameras come in two varieties, analogue and digital. The market for analogue cameras has been decreasing over the years. For instance, the sales of analogue cameras decreased from US$1,335.5 million in the United States in 2004 to only US$9.5 million in 2009. This is a decrease in sales of over 99% in only 6 years. Although Kodak has kept a leading position in the analogue market, the dissolution of the market for analogue cameras limits the value of Kodak’s leading position in this segment. Kodak has also kept a leading position in the sale of camera film. However, this market segment has seen a similar fall in sales as the decrease in the disposable camera market. In this segment, Fuji is once again Kodak’s largest competitor. Kodak’s tagline â€Å"Kodak Moments†helps it maintain its leadership position in film, but the sharp decline in the sale of film and a strong competitor in Fuji once again limits the value of this leading position. The market for cameras has seen a rise in the competitiveness of one particular alternative product that may limit the growth potential of the camera industry in the future. Mobile phones with cameras built in now form the main substitute to cameras. Since these devices have many features such as video, audio, and internet browsing, and are relatively inexpensive, they represent a real threat to the camera industry. 80% of the world demand for the imaging devices and optical modules that comprise the cameras in mo bile phones is handled by Panasonic, Sony, Sharp and Konica Minolta. Kodak does not compete in this market. Other substitutes that Kodak will need to compete with are counterfeit items. Not only are these items likely to be sold at lower prices, they are also generally inferior in quality and could harm the brand of the companies whose products are being counterfeit. From this analysis of the current competitive landscape, we can see that Kodak’s most important competitors in digital cameras are Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic and Fuji. (See Exhibit 2 for a look at Kodak compared to its traditional competitor, Fuji). Customers The digital film industry targets a large number of consumers spanning different segments and demographics. The following will illustrate who these main consumers are and which kinds of individuals digital photography appeals to. Segments Digital photography is targeted to two major segments; professional and non-professional consumers. As expected, the needs of these two target segments are quite different, and organizations in the digital camera industry market their product to appeal to these distinct expectations and needs. Digital camera companies, therefore, market their product to these diverse groups and consequently identify further submarkets and niche markets. Demographics In the world of photography demographic segmentation plays very vital role in marketing the product. In this method of segmentation, demographics is important because customers’ wants, desires, preferences, and usages are strongly associated with demographic variables. Interest in photography generally starts at early age, usually early teenagers. Consumers are not especially conscious about the brand but want to fulfill their purpose. However, this is the phase where a perception of the brand starts taking position in the minds and get stronger and stronger with the time. After this phase consumers of age 20 to 50 are divided into different groups. Some people adopt photography as profession, some use it for their extensive tourism habits, and finally some take it as fun and leisure activity and some use it as their need. This use depends on their nature, living style and job requirement. Professionals, who adopt photography as occupation or as their hobby, are always more conscious about the quality and success results. They don’t want to see that there is no photo in their camera after any event coverage or after returning from an adventure. They need more reliable equipment with guarantee of better results because this is their earning source. If someone is pursuing photography just for fun and don’t have passions for the hobby then they will typically not pay as close attention to the bells and whistles of the product. In terms of gender, photography appeals to both men and women alike. Marketing does not generally target men or women, although recent manufacturing of point and shoot cameras includes the product in a variety of colours for the consumer to choose from. Lastly, demographics in the digital film industry relies on the consumer’s income. The major manufacturers of digital cameras have realized this, and typically offer product ranging from budget quality, to expensive professional equipment. Psychographics Psychology is also a strong variable to understand consumers. People are different based on their personality traits, psychology, life style and values. Psychographic profile could be completely different within same demographic group of consumers. For example, two individuals of same age group have same range of income like photography as a fun but they have different psychology. One is more caring about quality with regard to details captured in the pictures and the other more focus on the originality of the colours of the pictures. For this reason, camera manufacturers have produced cameras with a plethora of adjustable features, which can be modified to suit the user’s preferences. Important Trends The broad industry of photo imaging and cameras has gone through some profound changes over the past several decades. As expected, technological advancements over the past century are the prime drivers of the various trends this industry has witnessed. Perhaps the greatest transformation this industry has seen has been the relatively recent rise of the digital camera phenomenon. Although the prototype for the digital film industry began with the development of Sony’s analog-type â€Å"Mavica†electronic camera, this product did not gain immediate acceptance in the marketplace due to its high price and the lack of suitable peripherals (i.e personal computers). The larger trend towards digital cameras then was truly popularized in the late 1990s and early 2000s with digital â€Å"point and shoot†cameras, of which Kodak participated in at a much later stage than its competitors. With the release of these user friendly devices, digital camera sales increased by 75% per year by 1997 where film cameras increased by 3%. At first, the absence of an LCD screen for formatting, shooting, and reviewing purposes proved to be a hindrance to the popularization of digital cameras. Once the LCD screen was introduced, the trend was ignited. Photos could now be viewed immediately, and kept or discarded as the consumer desired. Today, most major camera manufacturers have made the exodus from film to digital. Canon as well as Nikon surprised the world when they agreed to stop production of most film cameras, setting another trend that has continued to this day. Another major shift in the world of digital photography was the gradual emergence of cameras on mobile phones. As technology improved, so did the quality of cameras included with virtually every mobile device. As expected, this had an impact on the sale of cheap digital cameras, as the phenomenon was now available to anyone who had a mobile device. This trend continues to this day, with both iphones and Blackberries including high quality cameras with their mobile devices. Currently, there has been a revival of DSLR cameras, with Canon and Nikon holding the majority of market share. Although it is difficult to predict future trends in the camera industry, many market researchers, trend watchers, and technology prognosticators agree that digital is here to stay. Easy access to necessary peripherals such as personal computers and even printers has garnered quick acceptance of the digital camera by consumers. The move to digital will remain; however, the relative maturation of the Japanese, North American and European digital camera markets may result in repeat buyers, as well as marketing cameras to for late adopters. This could all culminate in lower profit margins for some of the worlds leading camera manufacturers.
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