Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Essay about Final Study Guide Economic
Essay about Final Study Guide Economic Essay about Final Study Guide Economic Annie Nguyen Per.5 FINAL STUDY GUIDE Traditional economy: Economic system in which the allocation of scarce resources and other economic activities are based on ritual, habit, custom. Corporation: Form of business organization recognized by law as separate legal entity. General partnership: Form of partnership where all partners are equally responsible for management, debt. Economic goals: Freedom, efficiency, equity, security, employment, stability, grown, future goals. Substitutes: Competing products that can be used in place of one another. Demand schedule: A table that lists how much of a product consumer will buy at all possible prices. Markets: Meeting place or mechanism allowing buyers and sellers of an economic product to come together may be local, regional, national, or global. Capital market: Market in which financial capital is loaned and/or borrowed for more than 1 year. Primary market: Market in which only the original issuer can sell or repurchase a financial asset. Secondary market: Market in which financial assets can be sold to someone other than the original issuer. Trade-off: alternative that is available whenever a choice is to be made. Economic interdependence: Mutual dependency of one person’s, firm’s, or region’s economic activities on another’s. Proprietorships: business owned and run by a single person who has the rights to all profits and unlimited liability for all debts of the firm. Surplus: Situation where quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded at a given price. Price ceiling: Highest legal price that can be charged for a product. Cooperative: Nonprofit association performing some kind of economic activity for the benefit of its members. Command economy: Economic system with a central authority that makes the major economic decisions. Market economy: Economic system in which supply, demand, and the price system help people make economic decisions and allocate resources. Mixed economy: Economic system that has some combination of traditional command, and market economics. Deficiency payments: Cash payment making up the difference between the market price and the target price. Total costs: The sum of fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs: Costs that remain the same regardless of level of production or services offered. Entrepreneur: Risk-taking individual in search of profits. E-commerce: Electronic business conducted over the Internet. Call option: Futures contract giving a buyer the right to cancel a contract to buy something. Put option: Futures contract giving a buyer the right to cancel a contract to sell something. Good: Tangible economic product that is useful, relatively scare, and transferable to others. Consumer good: Good intended for final use by consumers rather than businesses. Durable good: A good that lasts for at least 3 years when used regularly. Nondurable good: A good that wears out or lasts for fewer than 3 years when used regularly Capital good: Tools, equipment, and factories used in the production of goods and services. Voluntary exchange: Act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions. Price-fixing: Agreement, usually illegal, by firms to charge the same price for a product. Oligopoly: Market structure in which a few large sellers dominate the industry. Trust: Illegal combination of corporations or companies organized to hinder competition. Diminishing returns: Stage where output increases at a decreasing rate as more units of variable input are added. Change in supply: Situation where different amounts are offered for sale at all possible prices in the market; shift of the supply curve. Rationing: System of allocation goods and services without prices. Monopoly: Market structure with a single seller of a particular product. Limited partnership: Form of partnership where one or more partners are not active in the daily running of the business and have limited responsibility
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Difference Between Relative and Absolute Location
Difference Between Relative and Absolute Location Both relative location and absolute location are geographic terms used to describe the location of a place on the Earths surface. They are each unique in their ability to pinpoint a location on Earth. Relative Location Relative location refers to locating a place relative to other landmarks. For example, you could give the relative location of St. Louis, Missouri as being in eastern Missouri, along the Mississippi River southwest of Springfield, Illinois.  As one drives along most major highways, there are mileage signs indicating the distance to the next town or city.  This information expresses your current location relative to the upcoming place. So, if a highway sign states that St. Louis is 96 miles away from Springfield, you know your relative location from St. Louis.  Relative location is also a term that is used to indicate a places location within a larger context.  For example, one could state that Missouri is located in the Midwest of the United States and is bordered by Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. That is the relative location of Missouri based on its location within the United States.  Alternatively, you could state that Missouri is south of Iowa and north of Arkansas. This is yet another example of relative location. Absolute Location On the other hand, absolute location references a place on the Earths surface based on specific geographic coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. Based on the previous example of St. Louis, the absolute location of St. Louis is 38 °43 North 90 °14 West. One can also give an address as an absolute location. For example, the absolute location of St. Louis City Hall is 1200 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63103. By providing the full address you can pinpoint the location of St. Louis City Hall on a map. While you can give the geographic coordinates of a city or a building, it is difficult to provide the absolute location of an area such as a state or country because such places cant be pinpointed. With some difficulty, you could provide the absolute locations of the boundaries of the state or country but most of the time its easier to just display a map or describe the relative location of a place like a state or country.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Economic Riddles of the Institution of Slavery Assignment
The Economic Riddles of the Institution of Slavery - Assignment Example They discovered that the common situation of the black community, particularly the degree of slave breeding, licentiousness, and sexual abuse, to have been very much overstated or inaccurate (Thornton 1994). In reality, the material or physical situations of the slave were not considerably different from that of the free worker; they assumed that slaves were permitted to own ’90 percent of lifetime productivity (only 10 percent exploitation)’ (Thornton 1994, 25). Therefore, if the assumption of Fogel and Engerman is valid, then what were the possible economic reasons for the demise of slavery in antebellum South? Economic Inefficiency of Slave Labor Given Fogel’s and Engerman’s argument, free labor and slavery becomes similar to servitude in the sense that they may give to the owners all the profits of trade beyond what is needed for the subsistence of the workers; but they have this distinction, relevant for American rationales, that they allow labor to b e geographically transferred, as servitude keeps it provincially bonded. By opting for these enabling types of servitude instead of the one which would have tied the workers to the land, the pioneers of the colonial administration in trade probably believed they had prevented all economic obstacles in the territories. Nevertheless, their mechanism was projected to resolve the problems of a situation where the option was between free labor and slave labor. As decades passed and laborers mushroomed in America, the servitude structure for White settlers was rapidly abolished; but bonded labor or slavery for most of the Negroes continued as an essential aspect of economic life (Phillips 1959). Whether this was beneficial or unfavorable to the... This paper presents a comprehensive review of economic views of Fogel and Engerman on the efficiency of slave labor. The long-established analysis of the economics of slavery in the United States is evidently wide-ranging and intricate: slavery was economically primitive, unproductive, and futile. Yet, Fogel and Engerman argued against the premises and tried to prove that slavery was quite cost-effective.In order to support their thesis, they computed the ‘ratio of output to a weighted sum of inputs’ in free and slave agriculture, and compare the results. Rooted in a historical procedure that depends on the unearthing of new information and depends on ‘technical mathematical points’ , this model transformed slavery in the antebellum South from an oppressive structure to one that is currently regarded to have been more efficient and cost-effective than the North’s free labor structure. Starting with a description of the relative primitiveness of the South in economic progress, several scholars argue, mostly in reaction to Fogel’s and Engerman’s controversial thesis, that the institution of slavery is the root of the South’s backwardness.The individual prosperity which has taken that shape has contribute nothing to the community’s riches: Slavery merely serves to appropriate the wages of laborâ€â€it distributes wealth, but cannot create it. It entails cost in obtaining early population, then functions to hamper industry diversification and land developments, limiting, in fact, even the expansion of agriculture
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Importance and Challenges of European Ministries of Foreign Research Paper
The Importance and Challenges of European Ministries of Foreign Affairs - Research Paper Example This brings the aspect on which continents diplomacy is very important. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the countries in Europe are viewed as very important and this means that these ministries have an uphill task in their diplomacy towards other countries in the world. This has led to the fact that the European continent has faced many challenges and they are still increasing as the world is undergoing through various changes. There are many aspects under which the challenges are increasing and this calls for more efficient diplomacy tactics to be adopted by entire Europe. It is important to note that Europe is viewed as a motivator for developing countries and this means that it is in a very tricky position and the continent’s foreign policy will need to address some issues that have been rising in recent years around the world. This is the art and practice of accomplishing negotiations and it is done by representatives of an entity, most notably states or groups. It is used mainly in reference to international diplomacy which is concerned with international relations between different countries of the world. One of the key factors of diplomacy is the intercession of professionally trained diplomats who negotiate such aspects as trade, economics, peace-making, war, and culture. In regards to international treaties, diplomats are involved in the negotiations while the politicians of a nation will endorse the treaty. Diplomacy cannot be limited to formal sense and hence in an informal sense or a social sense, diplomacy is seen as the application of tact in order to have an advantage which is deemed advantageous to a group or to somebody. It can also be seen as a means by which different groups come to an agreeable solution to a common problem (Berringe, 2005). There is a notable difference between the real world diplomacy and the intellectual university debates since in a university debate, an argument is decided upon the merits that the arguments have and the negotiators can split the difference to come to a deal.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Peruvian market Essay Example for Free
Peruvian market Essay My final paper will focus in the Peruvian generic medicine market. The Peruvian market is dominated by the leading laboratories who set the prices and control the brands. Peruvian customers are used to follow doctors prescriptions strictly and believe that the use of generics is dangerous. This situation allows the laboratories to capture the market and set the prices (Peruvian medicines are more expensive than in the USA). The Peruvian health agency; Ministerio de salud signed a cooperation agreement with national association of pharmacies for them to distribute 83 of the most used generic medicines along with the brand medicines. They never kept up the agreement, and the pharmacies refuse to sell generic medicines. The generic drug industry covers the marketing and sale of medication containing the same active ingredients and dosages as brand-name drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. Drugs can be prescribed under their chemical name without specifying a particular pharmaceutical brand or company. A key benefit of generic drugs is that they usually cost a fraction of the price of brand-name drugs. In this context, our company (consulting) is planning to open a franchise of pharmacies that will exclusively provide generic medicines to the customers. We have two investors that have different approaches for the business. Final paper will analyze the legal environment in Peru and all aspects of liabilities, torts, ethics and legal implications of opening a parent company that will manage the franchise. Our company is based in the United States and will import products from the US. Therefore, is subject to lawsuits and liability in both the USA and Peru. Peru has a current free trade agreement with the United States. This agreement considers anti-trust laws and monopoly, international contracts, and patent protection among others. The paper will cover the main subjects such as; International law, contracts, anti-trust law, securities regulations, employment law, environmental law, crimes, and torts.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Thomas Jefferson: A Man of Two Faces Essay -- American America Histor
Thomas Jefferson: A Man of Two Faces THESIS: Thomas Jefferson was a wealthy plantation owner and politician that would speak out about slavery on a regular basis but would still employ slaves for his own use. "We are told by his biographers, and apologists, that he hated slavery with a passion. But since he participated fully in the plantation slavery system, buying and selling slaves on occasion, and because he could not bring himself to free his own slaves, who often numbered upward of 200-250 on his plantations, one has to either question the verity of this passion or speculate that it was merely the abstract idea of slavery that he hated." (Smedley 189) Thomas Jefferson was always aware of the fact that slavery would soon one day be abolished but he made no efforts during his lifetime to accelerate the process. Jefferson was a wealthy plantation owner and politician that would speak out about slavery on a regular basis but would still employ slaves for his own use. Thomas Jefferson was a plantation owner, politician, and verbal defender of slaves who would continuou...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Persuasive essay on buying a car over leasing a car
It can well be stated that it is always better to opt for a long termed vision rather than an instant and short termed goal. This true for all the great personalities all over the world and it is also true for all the multinational corporate houses operating on a large scale over multiple continents. The same is true for any and every successful individuals in the globe. (Lamb, 2004) Thus it can well be mentioned that when it comes to the general mass and more particularly an individual things cannot be different in any manner.As a result it is always recommended that one should always go for buying a new car rather than leasing it. In ancient oriental religious texts it is often stated that â€Å"Mahamati Mahajan, je pothe koren gomon, se poth prataswaraniya†. This means â€Å"Trustworthy are the routes that have been taken by eminent saints†. This is because â€Å"Mahamati Mahajan, dristi anata, bakya bhobe duradristisampanna†or â€Å"they are the people in t his world who act on the determination of tomorrow†.(Cunningham, 1978) Thus it can well be seen from these scriptures that it is always recommended to have a long termed goal rather than living for the day. In more practical context it can be stated that if one is about to buy a car then the person is better positioned than a person who is in habit of leasing it. The simple reason behind this is plan arithmetic. Suppose a person needs a car for a day every week. He rents it from the local rental services.This way he pays about $50 a day a week for four days in four weeks and the total amount comes to $200. Now consider this. If one is willing to pay $200 per month to the rental service would not it be much better to pay it as an installment or EMI to a car dealer? Furthermore, under such circumstances the person is due to own the car in a year or two spending the same amount of money as he was spending at a rental service. (King, 2006) It is clear from this illustration that t he person opting for buying a car is the absolute gainer.It can be stated in the same context that in this era of market economy driven livelihood it is essential to be at par with the current trends of buying rather than wasting valuable amount of money for something where the utility of the value is always reducing. Thus it is better to remove all sorts short sight ness and opt for long termed programs and take a page from all the successful people and corporate all over the world. In conclusion it should be mentioned that if one is not able to decide for oneself it is much better to follow examples and analyze simple notions of arithmetic.This is the right approach not only about cars or gadgets but it is also applicable for life as a whole. One should be calculative and analytical and one should always go for buying when it comes to cars rather than leasing or renting it. References Cunningham, R; (1978); Selected Verses from Matsya Purana; National Book Trust King, H; (2006); M anagement principals: Leadership Today; HBT & Brooks Ltd Lamb, Davis; (2004); Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; National Book Trust
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Introductory to Organisational Behaviour Principles
Essay Title:Introductory to organisational behaviour principles Books, journals and articles on organisational behaviour (OB) can be found anywhere nowadays. Experts and professionals in this area have done a lot of research, coming up with theories, models, concepts, explanations and views on how a person will behave in an organisation. This paper argues that there are other resources to help us understand OB better. This paper will firstly define what OB is and discuss the similarities and differences found from other resources to our main textbook, ‘Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim’ written by Steven Mcshane and Tony Travaglione. It will then analyse the relevance and usefulness of information to people working in organisations and students of OB. So what does OB actually mean? Robbins and Judge (2007, P. ) defined that ‘OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organisations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organisation’s effectiveness. ’ While, Nahavandi and Malekzadeh (1999, P. 3) points out that ‘OB is the study of how people behave in organisations as individuals, teams and how the organisations structure human resources to achieve goals. ’ Comparing these two long definitions on OB, I would rather go along with the statement by Mcshane and Travaglione (2007, P. ), where it says that OB is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organisations. It’s so much easier to grasp and understand the gist of OB especially to students like me. What all these experts are trying to say is actually the same and what they had done is only putting their own thoughts into words. This signifies that we humans have a lot of views on one issue, it can be either the same or different, there’s no right or wrong either, it’s just a matter of how we perceive things. Thus we need to look into other resources to tap into other peoples’ views and concepts to learn more about OB. So why do we study OB? As Mcshane and Travaglione (2007) had put it, we need to understand, predict and influence the behaviour of people, by doing so it will benefit the individual and the organisation. However, Tosi, Mero and Rizzo have a slightly different kind of say, they say that we study OB to understand, predict and improve the performance of people and ultimately to the organisation which they work (2000, P. 2). The latter statement seems to be more appropriate. Organisations are always trying to improve their employee’s performance, communication and decisions making ability by sending their employees for courses like team building. Mcshane and Travaglione (2007) have clearly identified and explained the five anchors on which OB is based on, which are the multidisciplinary anchor, systematic research anchor, contingency anchor, multiple levels of analysis anchor and lastly the open systems anchor. It appears that this is the only book that includes all five anchors in one book. These clearly explained concepts would help students to understand OB with ease and clarity than any other resources researched. With regards to the multidisciplinary anchor, Robbins and Judge (2007) only talks about the contributions to OB field from four behavioural disciplines which are psychology, social psychology, sociology and anthropology. Mcshane and Travaglione talks more than that, they even listed and discussed how emerging disciplines like communications and marketing contribute to the study of OB. Mcshane and Travaglione (2007) say that scholars have been depending on systematic research to form research questions, and apply test hypotheses against collected data. Mcshane and Travaglione also suggest that researchers are adopting grounded theory to understand the working environment. It’s a qualitative method whereby concepts and theories are formed by data collections like observations and interviews. For example, the Department for transport in the United Kingdom did a project to find out what factors affect the choice of transport of their citizens (Department for transport 2003). Maybe the Land Transport Authority in Singapore can refer to this article and find out the reason for the increasing number of people owning cars in Singapore. Mcshane and Travaglione (2007, P. 17) state that ‘no single solution is best in all circumstances. ’ What works in one situation may not be successful in a different situation (12Manage, 2008). This is a view shared by Nahavandi and Malekzadeh (1999) where they say for each situation a different kind of respond is required. An example can be money; money can be a motivator for some people but may not be that effective on others, it all depends on the person’s financial needs and status (Vries 2007). Therefore, OB experts and managers in organisations learn to understand factors of different situations in order to respond more appropriately and effectively (Nahavandi and Malekzadeh (1999). Similarly to our main text, Robbins and Judge (2007) states that there are three levels of analysis on OB, the micro which studies the individual, middle level which covers the small group and the macro level which looks into organisations. However, the latter book had included a model for visualisation, creating an image of importance on this classification will help students to understand topics area of concern later in the book. Now let’s look at the last anchor, the open system anchor. Similarly to our main text, Thomas (2005) points out that organisations are open systems that will receive input of information and resources from the environment and in turn transform them into goods or service before returning them back into the environment. Organisations are always restructuring and strategising to survive in the corporate world (Taplin 2005). This information will definitely be useful to top managements of organisations. They can apply this knowledge to strengthen their market share and strengthen their company image. This paper has argued that in order to understand OB principles more, a lot of reading and research had to be done. We have looked at what OB exactly is and due to the ever changing environment, peoples view and perceptions change, so we need to understand, predict and influence the changing needs of people. By using the five anchors we will be able to do that. Even though some information researched is the same, it still increases my knowledge on OB through the constant readings, some information may be irrelevant, but it is still useful even if only one percent of new knowledge is gained. Total word count (1060) References Cummings, TG 2005, ‘open systems’, Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior, viewed 2 August 2008, < http://web. ebscohost. com. libproxy. sim. edu. sg/ehost/detail? id=4&hid=120&sid=add89e44-3e79-4bf6-ac4d-7c90f405c030%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=lmh&AN=20986772> Department for Transport 2003, ‘Psychological Factors Affecting Transport Mode Choice’, viewed 2 August 2008, . Mcshane, S. & Travaglione, T. 2007, ‘Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim’, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd, NSW. Nahavandi, A. & Malekzadeh, A. R. 1999, ‘Organizational Behavior, The person-or ganization fit’, Prentice –Hall Inc, New Jersey. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. 2007, ‘Organizational Behavior’, 12th edn, Pearson education Inc, USA. Taplin, I. M. 2005, ‘Strategic change and organisational restructuring: How managers negotiate change initiatives’, Journal of international management, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 284-301, viewed 4 August 2008, Science Direct. Tosi, H. L. , Mero, N. P. & Rizzo, J. R. 2000, ‘Managing Organizational Behavior’, 4th edn, Blackwell Publishers Inc, USA. Vries, M. K. D. 2007, ‘Money, Money, Money’, Organizational Dynamics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 231–243, viewed 29 July 2008, Science Direct. 12 Manage 2008, ‘Contingency Theory’, Bilthoven, viewed 2 August 2008,
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Lightness vs. Weight essays
Lightness vs. Weight essays Mila Kunderas novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being has a reoccurring paradox thread throughout his whole book, lightness versus weight. If we only have one opportunity at life, is it worth weighing our different paths against one another? If it isnt, then we live in a state of lightness. There are many characteristics to being light or having weight in your life. Lightness is characterized as not having any formal attachment to the meaning of your life; you live in the moment. People who are light tend to be more free-spirited and easy-going. People who carry the weight have more emotions, and attach more meaning to things in their life. People who carry weight are also more likely to join political parties, than someone who doesnt care someone who is light. When you carry the weight, you have more attachment to things and you invest your feelings, in turn you open yourself up to be hurt. Is lightness better and weight a burden, or does meaning only come from weight? To better understand what lightness and weight means, we look to Tomas and Tereza, introduced in the first chapter. Tomas enjoys the lightness and freedom in his life. Estranged from his family and divorced, Tomas has no attachments to anyone. Before he met Tereza, Tomas was a womanizer and never let the woman spend the night. Despite the fact that Tomas comes across as extremely selfish, but he is very compassionate and sympathetic. These feelings are an example of the influence of weight has on him, and lead to Tereza entering his life. Eventually, Tereza ends up representing the weight in Tomass life. She is characterized as being weight, she is very passionate about her interests, and shes very emotional. The heavy objects that surround Tereza represent this. For example, when Tereza moves in, Tomas accepts the burden of carrying her heavy suitcase, and the weight of her love. Tereza has always don ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
140 Characters Twitter Fiction and the Art of Concise Writing
140 Characters Twitter Fiction and the Art of Concise Writing Plenty of people want to become writers, but feel that they simply don’t have the time to commit to writing even a short story. With all the interruptions of the digital age (to say nothing of family and work obligations), finding time to write really can be a challenge. It’s so easy to get frustrated with your writing when you’re just starting out; so hard to not be discouraged These days, there are plenty of ways an aspiring writer can hone their craft and add publication credits to their resume at the same time. And one of the very best ways is to write Twitter-sized tales. These short stories are 140 characters or less (including spaces), and pack a surprising emotional punch. Despite the limitations of the form, skilled Twitter fiction writers are able to make readers laugh, cry, or shiver as they build worlds and introduce characters. Twitter is home to several communities of avid writers and readers, and they are passionate about promoting great 140-character stories. There’s no hard and fast rule about what makes a great Twitter tale. Some stories focus on just a moment’s worth of action, while others span thousands of years in just two sentences. Many are humorous, but plenty more are heart-breaking. The form forces you to choose words precisely, and to cut out any extraneous information. More often than not, the title of the work gives the reader enough framing to understand the events in your story. So, what do you do after you’ve completed your little tale? The most obvious thing to do is post it on your own Twitter account, to share with your own followers. If you can spare the space, adding hashtags to your story will enable other Twitter fiction fans to find it more easily. Hashtags to consider include #vss (which stands for â€Å"very short story†), #nanofiction, or #fiction. Another hashtag is #lqw, which designates that the story contains the word of the day as designated There are also dozens of Twitter accounts for websites that publish only 140-character stories. Some of the most notable are @OneFortyFiction, @seedpodpub, @sixwordstories, @twitterfiction, @7Ãâ€"20, and @trapezemag, all of which are unpaid markets. @Nanoism is a paying Twitter fiction market, which publishes three times a week and pays between $1.50 and $1 for stories: not bad, given the brevity of the form. Serialized Twitter fiction is paid out at a higher rate. @thaumatrope and @tweetthemeat also pay to publish other people’s Twitter stories, though both markets are currently on hiatus. In short: keep on writing, and keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to grow your fan base. Depending on where you choose to publish your stories, your work may be exposed to thousands of people. In addition, there are often contests being held on Twitter But beyond the accolades and the prizes, the best thing about writing Twitter fiction is how it can improve your writing. With practice, this shortest of short story forms can help even the most verbose of writers to develop a clear, clean, and concise style. And that’s a skill that will benefit any writer as they begin work on longer projects.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Research - Essay Example In this paper, I use the characteristics of my five favorite journals to determine how suitable and relevant they are to my nursing profession. My five most favorite journals are The Australian nursing journal, Nephrology nursing journal, Association of operating room nurses AORN journal, American journal of public health, and British medical journal (International edition). All these journals contain information derived from the most current research. They all have several articles that cover a variety of topics. Different publisher has published the journals so in my selection I was not publisher bias. Moreover, they have different editor, which compares with their varying content. Most of these journals have nursing professions as their target audience. However, there are those whose target audience is the medical profession in general. As clearly understood, nursing profession is a medical profession and hence if a journal has medical profession as its target audience then it tar gets the nurses. According to Oermann & Hays (2010), the target audience of a journal can show whether the journal is relevant to a certain profession. Thus using this concept, I can say with confidence that these journals are very important in my training as a nursing student and in my profession as a practicing nurse. Another thing that shows the relevance in these journals as far as nursing profession is concerned is the type of articles they contain. Most of them contain knowledge about evidence based nursing practices and finding of various research undertaken on the medical care field. Nursing profession requires knowledge on evidence based practice and a lot of research for one to be proficient (Webb, 2011). Since all these journals provide this knowledge, they would be very relevant to my profession as a practicing nurse. The Relevance of My Journals To My Future Job  I have read several article in these journal and the knowledge I obtain from them have been very substant ial in my training as a nurse. From these journals, I managed to obtain knowledge on the most recent research undertaken on the health care field one of them being a research taken on Transitioning from peritoneal dialysis to renal transplant that found on the Nephrology nursing journal. From my reading of the journal, I have also come across various articles with very good information and health care. Since the nursing profession is based, on health care, such articles will be very relevant to this profession and thus I expect them to be very important to me as a nurse. According to Webb (2011), the role that research plays in nursing profession cannot be under-estimated. It is known that for a person to be proficient in this profession he should be undertaking research as frequently as possible. These journals contain information about most recent research undertaken by other nursing and medical profession as well as health care practice information. This can be very important to a nursing profession in his process of undertaking research. Since it will be my objective to become as much proficient as possible in nursing, I will be undertaking frequent research and hence these journals will be very relevant to my profession. The Journal I Would Choose and Why All these journals will be very relevant to my profession as a practicing nurse due to the content of the articles they contain. However, the degree of relevance to my profession differs from one journal to the other. This is indicated
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