Sunday, May 3, 2020
Information Communication Skills Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Information Communication Skills. Answer: Reflective writing In academic processes, assessment completion is a task that cannot be avoided. The main reason why assessment and assignments are important is because they are guiding criterion on how academic capabilities are measured. Academic capabilities are used worldwide to measure individual capability in executing a certain task. Having this knowledge sometimes makes students devote most of their time in studies. Though every students put a lot of effort to achieve the best in completing any academic task, presenting the task in the right manner is a substantial challenge that faces many students. During presentation of Assessment 2 COIT20249 in Term 2, 2017, it was not an easy task to come up with the right format to present my assessment in an orderly manner which could be used to convey my message clearly. To communicate effectively, there is need to for students to choose the correct and required format that makes communication simple and clear. Since every academic task given to scholar s has a learning objective, during presentation of the subject task, it is important to demonstrate some objectives of the study if not all of them, as presented in the course material by the lecturer. Collecting and presenting these learning outcomes in a clear and concise manner did not seem simple as I expected. Personally, experience presented a significant challenge but going through the desired presented activities in the study provided solution. I examined studies deeply in order to help in solving the challenges that I was going through. Reflecting on the journey of the student, it became evident that, every academic challenge can be solved by undertaking a rigorous academic research with relevant materials. Previously, I was not certain about how to handle such academic challenges but once I solved it by undertaking required research and references, I found it simple and easy to communicate my objective of the study. In future, I would not expect to go through the same challenge again because past experience that I underwent while presenting the assessment provided good experience for future basis. It is obvious that, I may not do it in a similar manner again because my experience would help in handling the rest of my future presentations in a simple and logical manner. Lastly, the bes t experience I gained is on taking personal research successfully. It was quite satisfying to get it done without assistance from friends. The worst part of it was the study efforts required and time consuming activity to present the task so that communication is achieved in a precise manner. Responding to an Ethical Scenario Working conditions are quite different from academic works and it would be wrong to focus it on personal gains rather than societal gains. Having discovered this is an opportunity that I should use to solve my future problem. In such a scenario, going to the public or telling it to colleagues may not be the best option. According to ACS professional code of conduct and code of ethics, privacy and secrecy of information obtained should be governed by required principles in IT professionalism (Gross-Schaefer etal., 2000). Though it seems unfair that my colleagues and I work exceptionally hard while unqualified students benefits with scholarship, its presentation ought to be governed by professional code of conduct. The first step is to evaluate about how unsuccessful students benefited with scholarship while coming up with the best alternative such as reporting it to my supervisor in order to get valuable advice. After presenting it to the supervisor, since I am just practicing and I e xpect to continue serving organization in my capacity so that I can get required skills, I should keep it confidential matter to be used in solving similar future problems facing students. Having unearthed this problem, it is important to press my supervisor to find an appropriate solution. Since my supervisor is tasked with organizational database management, raising such an issue would not be a major problem because it will be within duty capacity. The main reason why I would tell my manager is to help in evaluating why such decision was reached leaving out deserving students. Reporting this issue to top level management would ensure appropriate actions are taken to avoid similar cases in future. Similarly, this helps to encourage my supervisor to be a resourceful manager who should carry out database audit early enough in order to help in preventing undeserving students from benefiting in unfair way. In this regard, I would have would have executed my duties by following proper communication channel while upholding the ACS professional code of conduct in IT field (Melvin, 2012). In my opinion, being a practicing employee does not exclude me from disclosing problems I discover while in my line of duty. Despite being a temporary employee, practicing ACS code of conduct would mean I had fulfilled my duty by applying them in accordance to the principle of privacy. Successful Completion of COIT20249 It was quite interesting to have taken this unit as it equips me with various skills. Taking this unit helped me to understand myself better. It presents clearly how to interact with other people while in my line of duty and at a personal level. Interpersonal skills will help student in gaining and enhancing skills relevant to communication at personal level and in relation to professional code of regulations. As an IT professional, I understand this unit has been of benefit by introducing the required ACS code of conduct and professional values that IT professional should possess. Team work was a key factor that as a student I gained by demonstrating how organizational employees should uphold required practices while executing their duties. Being able to present activities both in written format and verbal means has helped to build by communication skills and abilities as required. In regard to professional code of conduct required in IT field, this unit equipped me with skills to u phold principles of IT such as secrecy and privacy of data. According to Australia working guiding practices in IT field, information privacy and all principles related to IT field should be held secret by all employees irrespective of position in the workplace. With proper practices such as frequent data audit and using proper IT professional practices, organizational malpractices can be eliminated. Upholding to the rule of law helps organization information safe and secure. Making use of collaboration tools such as common email in the work place where employees can discuss issues makes it easy to execute organizational duty in a clear manner. In this unit, the most important aspect that I gained included the importance of clear presentation in verbal and written information. Initially, it was very difficult for me to present my ideas either in written or verbal means. After completing this unit, I feel well equipped with skills and knowledge on how to improve my communication skills and present my written work effectively. Despite all these aspect through which I embrace this unit, there are some improvements that could be included in the unit. First, this unit need to implement practical aspect of the study rather than emphasizing on theoretical aspect of the study. This would make the unit more interesting and attractive to students. Lastly, the unit need to be split into two aspects; theoretical aspect while in class which should then be complemented with practical aspect initiated by subject department. References Gross-Schaefer, A., Trigilio, J., Negus, J., Ro, C. S. (2000). Ethics education in the workplace: An effective tool to combat employee theft. Journal of Business Ethics, 26(2), 89-100. Melvin, C. S. (2012). Professional compassion fatigue: what is the true cost of nurses caring for the dying? International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 18(12), 606-611.
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