Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Lyric interpretation †“Sister Golden Hair†by America Essay
For this lyric assignment, I chose the song Sister Golden Hair (released 1975) by America in their album Hearts . America is an English-American Folk-Rock band, originally composed of members Gerry Beckley, Dewey Bunnell, and Dan Peek. The three members were barely past their teenage years when they became an overnight musical sensation in 1972. They reached a peak in popularity in the early to mid 1970s and early 1980s. Among the band’s best known songs are â€Å"A Horse with No Name†, â€Å"Sister Golden Hair†(both of which reached Number 1), â€Å"Ventura Highway†, and â€Å"Tin Man†. The song Sister Golden Hair is interpreted by many people in a variety of different ways and meanings. In my opinion and from my research solidifying my interpretation, this song is about a guy that is wrestling with forbidden love. In my interpretation of the lyrics, he is wrestling with forbidden love but not the love for a nun as many have thought. He has fallen in love with his half-sister whom he has been introduced to but didn’t know she existed prior to some broken family interaction along the path of his life, hence the surprise. She also has shown that she felt something more than sibling love for him during family gatherings. He tries to fake being a brother but he is tortured by his lust for her and prefers to stay away from family contact for fear of being taken as a family member by her and lose his chance with her. Not ready for the alter would mean that marriage is not an option due to his blood ties to her, but that he seeks to live his life with her anyways as. This song is about a letter he writes to her after years of painful waiting for her to catch up to him in years and reach adulthood, and to see if they can move on without one-another, metaphorically, Sunday but then Monday means several painful years of questionable, cautious, cat-like commitment to being there right when she’s ready. Originally, the lyrics said Meet me in VA would have meant giving him her virginity but as the lyric changed to air the meaning is that he has sent her a recording of a song he wrote for her and would she embrace his disincarnate company present in the â€Å"air†which is not a stretch of a term for a piece of music. Will you meet me in the middle would mean that they both have buried their forbidden love for years and in his letter he is calling the game because the burden is too great and he may be considering suicide in his deep depression. Can’t you see it in my eyes means he has also sent her a photo with the letter and the recording (the CD cover?) the photo must show his emptiness but also his affinity for her, that she would fall in love even more so with the photo after not seeing one another for years. This song is a musical masterpiece because like the outro it makes the musical statement that he would win her through his musical prowess: the intro for the song is a solo acoustic guitar bit which I think sounds awesome. While all this may seem to be a stretch, you might think I’m reading my own experience into these most beautiful and mysterious lyrics but just consider this†¦ the author has stated that these lyrics are strictly poetic license and that mean these lyrics came from his in-depth subconscious mind. The first time I heard this song I loved how it sounded and never bothered really listening to the lyrics. However, the more I listened to it and attempted to decipher its meaning, the more I realized how many metaphors it contains, and how much of a deeper meaning this song has. Guitarist Gerry Beckley wrote this song, and when asked if it was written to anyone, Beckley said: â€Å"No, this is all poetic license. With ‘Sister Golden Hair,’ as far as my folks were concerned, I was writing a song about my sister, and I couldn’t quite fathom it; they must not have listened to the lyrics.†(thanks, Brett – Edmonton, Canada) In my opinion, I believe this is a song with a very deep and hidden meaning that has been created like this on purpose because if people did really know its meaning it would never have been one of Americas top hits.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
George Herbert: Shaped Poems Essay
George Herbert’s style in his collection of religious poetry, The Temple, is very short, clear, concise, and gets to the point. Different from John Donne, Herbert structures his poetry around biblical metaphors and his struggle to define his relationship with God. Herbert places himself in church through many poems that are styled in an architectural form, however his emphasis is always on the soul’s inner construction. Rather than voice his fears about being saved by God or sinning as Donne had, Herbert faces his fearful behavior by focusing on his relationship with Christ. In order to do this, Herbert focuses on architectural motifs and how one’s soul is constructed to become a better person. Since Herbert is a metaphysical and religious poet, his poetry always ends with a metaphysical conceit. A metaphysical conceit is an extended metaphor that structures the entire poem. Usually, these metaphors deal with spirituality, intellectual ideas, and are supposed to teach one to be a good, or better Christian (Miller). The metaphysical conceit is one way in which a poem is structured, formed, or as Herbert writes, is used as an architectural form. In each of his poems, Herbert has a conceit that sums up the poetry. In other words, it serves a moral and we, the readers are taught a lesson. Another way architectural structure takes place in poetry is by the use of figurative language. For example, Herbert’s poetry is written with metaphors, similes, and his poetry is usually wrapped around the AABB and ABAB rhyme scheme. We see the use of these rhyme schemes in The Altar and Easter Wings. Architectural imagery takes place in a number of Herbert’s poetry. In The Temple, the opening poem is titled The Altar and the very shape of the poem suggests an altar of worship. The poems structure is in an AABB rhyme scheme and has many metaphors. In Lines 1-4, Herbert announces in his poem his intention to build an altar to the Lord. He states â€Å"†¦ Made of heart, and cemented with tears/As the hand thy framed; No workman’s tool hath touched the same†(1-5). This very quote gives the reference to building a relationship with God and it is given away in the poem that the altar is actually the human heart. This here is an example of the metaphysical conceit. He is using the broken altar as a metaphor for the heart and how one should sacrifice and offer himself to the lord. The altar Herbert is making to God in this poem is also made of â€Å"broken†material, not actually out of stone, but it is â€Å"Made of a heart, and cemented with tears†(2). Here, Herbert is building a sacrifice that is pleasing before God-an altar made of broken material, but the brokenness is from the soul, and the altar and offerings are of himself. We know this because he uses the first person narrative in lines 14-16. Herbert writes: â€Å"That, if I chance to hold my peace, these stones to praise thee may not cease. Oh let thy sacrifice be mine, and sanctify this altar to be thine†(14-16). His poem speaks about the internal emotions he has with God. He is comparing his cold, empty heart to a cold, hard stone. Herbert writes: â€Å"A heart alone is such a stone, as nothing but thy power doth cut†(5-8). This quote may suggest the cold and empty feeling he has because of God’s absence. He wants his heart to praise God, but feels like he cannot because he has to be part of a sacrifice as he states in lines 15-16. â€Å"Oh let thy blessed sacrifice be mine, and sanctify this altar to be thine†(15-16). Only by sacrificing his broken self will God accept and help him. However, The Altar is not the only poem in which architectural styles occur. Easter Wings, also takes on the metaphysical conceit and exhibition of architectural styles. Herbert’s poetry is meant to teach people to be good Christians, and by constructing the poem around biblical metaphors, the message is received. The point of having these biblical metaphors is to gain knowledge and define the relationship with God through Herbert’s eyes. In Easter Wings, Herbert structures his poem in the shaped verse. The four stanzas are shaped in two sets of angel wings. In terms of rhyme scheme, Herbert uses ababacdcdc in both stanzas. Each stanza represents a different relationship between God and man. Herbert’s poem deals with man’s suffering as the result of his sins and his repentance to God through the end of the poem. The poem starts with the idea that when God created man, man was given what is necessary to survive: â€Å"Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store†(1) God created man with an abundance and wealth of items needed to survive in this world, but man takes God’s gifts for granted ends up losing what was given to him. The greed that man had leads to the falling of man until the wealth given to him by God is nearly gone: â€Å"Decaying more and more, / Till he became / Most poor:†(3-5). Here, the structure of the poem is set up with man having all he needs, but by being greedy, he has fallen. This particular poem is amazing it terms of how it addresses the journey of man from his sin to God redeeming him. Each stanza discusses man’s self-destruction and how God eventually helps him. The language of loss and faith comes to play when God comes in. The poem is structured in a way that it starts with man having the most of things and goes to least of things when man sins and loses. For example, the second stanza moves from discussing man’s falling and focuses on man’s redemption through God. Herbert writes, â€Å"With thee / O let me rise / As larks, harmoniously,†(7-8). In these lines, man is giving himself to God and hopes that God will allow him to have what he had before: the items needed to survive. Similarly, by stanza three and four, we see the repeated pattern of man’s sin and the road to redemption from God. In a way, the structure of the poem is set up so that the reader realizes that the poem uses the ascending to descending to ascending again theme. It can be inferred that the person in the poem does good, but falls into sin, yet does good again and is eventually saved. Again, the third stanza addresses the sin of man: â€Å"My tender age in sorrow did begin: / And still with sickness and shame / Thou didst so punish sin, / That I became / Most thin†(11-14). Here, man discusses how God has punished him for his sins. When man sinned early on he was punished with sickness. Not only did God take away his wealth, but he also became sick, causing man to become â€Å"thin†. However, by stanza four, man hopes for redemption. Herbert writes: â€Å"With thee / Let me combine, / And feel this day thy victory, / For, if I imp my wing on thine, / Affliction shall advance the flight in me†(16-20). Here, Man wants God to become a part of him. As the word imp implies, man wants to attach himself to God so God can see how he is now devoted to him. Man speaks of attaching himself (imp) to the wing of God as a means of flying back towards being saved. Man will be taken under Gods wing and will be guided towards the path of righteousness. By doing this, man takes into account all the suffering that he has endured as a result of being punished for his sins. By reaffirming his devoutness to God, man hopes to redeem himself. In the poem, the words are not the only things that provide meaning. The poems shape also gives meaning. Although the language itself describes the sins and redemption of man, the shape of the poem is what really describes what is being said. As man’s destruction is described, the poem’s line lengths become smaller, and as man’s salvation is described, the line lengths become longer. This is what gives the image of two sets of wings, which symbolize man’s fall and eventual redemption towards the end of the poem. Here, the metaphysical conceit suggests that the wings are the actual salvation of man. The wings are being compared to a human characteristic, salvation. By recognizing his sins, man realizes that the only way he will be forgiven is if he goes towards salvation. It can be inferred that the message of this poem is to be grateful for what you have because it can be taken way in a blink of an eye. However, with repentance and devotion to God, you will be forgiven. In summation, Herbert’s use of architectural styles is what helps a reader generate the poems meaning. In almost all of his poems, Herbert’s use of architecture helps aid him in exhibiting the larger meaning. Usually, his ending message is that people must sacrifice what they have if they want a better, blessed life.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Audience Analysis Essay
Communication is one of the most important skills that an individual can possess when presenting to a group of people. The audience should always be focal point of the presenter as communication is an important foundation and can often determine the success or failure of a message being received. When communication is done properly it can build respect and trust between groups and help identity the issues at hand. The presenter must have a good understanding of the audience’s culture in order to effectively communicate with the group. In this assignment I have been asked to present quarterly sales information in an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders that includes managers, salespeople, and customers. I have been asked to answer a number of different questions before I present my information to the audience. The following questions will be answered in this paper. 1.What are audience characteristics you need to consider?2.What communication channels would be appropriate and why?3.What are some considerations that you must keep in mind given the diversity of the audience?4.What would you do to ensure that your message is effective?Before you can prepare a presentation you must consider the characteristics of your audience. I know that my audience consists of managers, salespeople, and customers of this particular organization. Because I have identified my audience I now have a better understanding of the audience’s knowledge of the subject. I also understand their interest in the subject; I understand that the different groups of individuals may only be interested in certain results of the quarterly sales information that is being presented. Managers and salespeople may have different subject knowledge than the customers. I will needs to address the different needs of all parties in attendance. I will have to customize certain parts of my presentation in order to address the specific needs of each group within the audience. I will also need to understand what the audience is expecting to learn from my presentation. I should be able to meet and exceed their expectations and the audience should walk away with their questions answered and explained as well as have a better understanding of the quarterly sales information that was presented to them. Because this is an in-person meeting certain communication channels are more appropriate than others. Power-point presentations would be an appropriate method of communication between the presenter and the audience. This is an effective method because it not only allows the presenter to discuss the statistics; but will also allow the present to show the audience the statistics in detail and all together as a group. Printed handouts or documents are another method of communication that would be considered appropriate in an in-person meeting. This method allows the audience to take part in reading the information provided and also gives them something to take with them from the meeting for future reference. Because the majority of the information is being presented orally, the presenter must consider their own body language and speech effectiveness to the audience. Body language and speech are both very important as the audience will be feeding off of the enthusiasm of the presenter. If the presenter gets the attention of their audience it is important to keep it in order to effectively communicate the information. Because there is diversity in the audience certain considerations must be kept in mind when presenting quarterly sales information. Each group will have different levels of interest in the information being presented. The customers will probably not have the same level of interest in certain aspects of the presentation as the managers and salespeople. Another consideration that the presenter must keep in mind is the information that is being communicated to the group. There is a certain amount of statistical data that the organization might not want all the members of the audience to know about. This information might be better presented in a manager’s only meeting. Other considerations that a presenter may want to keep in mind given the diversity of the audience is the average age, gender, culture background, education, economic status, and group memberships of the attending audience. These considerations individually may not have a big impact on the methods of communication chosen by the presenter, but together will allow the presenter to understand the diversity of the audience to which the information is being communicated. To ensure that the presentation is a success and the information is received effectively I would make sure that I have a concrete agenda and use it. I would also make sure that I interact with the audience, for example when presenting the sales data I might ask the audience if anyone has any suggestions to help increase the sales in a particular area. I would ask some open-ended questions to help encourage audience participation. I would also ask the audience to participate in constructive group discussions and would frequently check for group consensus on particular issues and decisions. At the end of the meeting I would survey the group through E-mail, fax, letter to ensure that the information that was presented was received and understood. I would also make myself available to answer any questions that may need clarification on an individual level. References Locker, K., & Kienzer, D. (2008). Business and Administrative Communication (8th edition). McGraw-Hill, 2008 New York, NY. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix web-site. Payne, B. (2008). Effective group Communication. Retrieved on April 24, 2009 from the world wide web at:, Allyn & Bacon (1995-2009). Demographic Characteristics of Your Audience. Retrieved on April 24, 2009 from the world wide web at: . Copyright  © 1995 – 2009, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Allyn & Bacon. McGee, J. Important Characteristics of your Audience. Writing and Designing Print Materials for Beneficiaries: A Guide for State Medicaid Agencies. Health Care Financing Administration, Baltimore, MD. HCFA Publication Number 10145. October 1999, page 66, and the Plain English Network Web site at Retrieved from the world wide web on April 26, 2009 at:
Read the book it is a Wonder life (Capra,1946) and do the questions Dissertation
Read the book it is a Wonder life (Capra,1946) and do the questions below - Dissertation Example This movie is generally believed to be addressing the themes of honesty and sacrifice or upholding of virtues that ensure civic and familial welfare. However, in-depth analysis of its storyline brings forth the fact that it largely focuses on highlighting the negative outcomes of Capitalism when rapaciousness encircles it. Frank Capra presents two sets of approaches to run a financial enterprise, and this forms the actual theme of the movie; the conflict between ethics based business plan and an interest based one is evident throughout. The protagonist George Bailey endorsed an inclusive business model and used a straightforward and morality-based policy for running Bailey Building and Loan Association. This paper is an attempt to unearth the way Capra depicted an Inclusive model inspired business enterprise in It’s a Wonderful Life using examples from the movie. A business model is a concept developed by an enterprise to devise some definite business logic required to make th e company and its stakeholders earn profit. This model also determines the interactivity and relativity between a business’s core elements, I-e capital, raw material and labor (Bastiaens, Baumeol, and Kreamer 31). Bedford Falls is a small town where the chief financing institution is owned by George Bailey. George Bailey is the good guy who puts both his heart and mind in the business. Therefore, in Bedford Falls under Bailey’s headship, â€Å"banks are small, local, family-run enterprises that help the common people by lending them money to buy homes, run small businesses and build a community; dodgy mortgages are not bundled up and sold off as new investment vehicles to unsuspecting investors†(Lethbridge). This propels the notion that Bailey opted for an Inclusive business model since this type largely focuses on ensuring the welfare of the minorities, poor and/or low-income groups within a community. In an Inclusive Business Model, the approach induced is us ually targeted towards the betterment of the masses instead of the profitability aspect of the company. World Business Council for Sustainable Development describes Inclusive model as â€Å" one, which seeks to contribute toward the alleviation of poverty by including lower-income communities within its value chain while not losing sight of the ultimate goal of business†(Michelini 24). The feature that explains the business model followed by Bailey is that he prefers satisfying public domain, social welfare and community interests over his own financial prosperity. When the company’s shareholder Henry Potter proposes to halt financial aid to working-poor and convinces the Board of Directors too, Bailey is the only one who not just rejects this proposal but wins back the confidence of board members in this regard. At no point in the movie has Bailey been shown as a wealthy self-sufficient man. In the scene when he is leaving for honeymoon and gets information about the bank run his company is about to face; he is not able to generate more than $2000 to pay to the depositors. It was the amount that he had saved to utilize for his honeymoon expenditures. This means that his approach to business is humane, and he strived to keep all the sections of society compatible and intact. As per the rules of Inclusive Model, Bailey involved the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 28
Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example These techniques include; Comparisons, contrasts, and familiar anecdotes Edgar begins his article with a recent social anecdote in which a racist violently shot to death the members of a black church community. This technique helps to establish the formal standing of his essay. The true story at capturing the reader’s attention and interest. A reader also finds it easy to relate to the article since he/she already has an idea of what the writer is writing about. Shortly after capturing the attention of the reader, Edgar goes on to use the employ the comparison technique. He focuses on a variety of similar stories from around the world that support his motion. He gives the example of the formal apology of the British prime minister Tony Blair to the Irish in 1997 for the role they played in the famine which took the lives of more than one million Irish. Similarly he explores the Vatican’s apology for the murder of the Italian Astronomer Galileo. He also compares the effects that these apologies had on people and the nations as well. He successfully uses this technique to support his cause and to give credibility to the content of his article. Edgar also employs contrast in his essay. He compares the possible reactions of the conservatives and the liberalists towards the issuance of an apology. In his opinion, the conservatives will advocate for the past to be forgotten while the liberalists will insist for the injustices to be paid for monetarily. The use of contrast here enables a reader to grasp the huge differences between these two groups of people, especially in their moral standards. A rhetoric situation is that situation in which a rhetor persuades his audience to support his perspective a particular issues (Whately and Ehninger,68). Rhetorical situations are particular to specific moments of communication. Five elements make up this situation; Situation of communication, writer,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Pollution - Essay Example â€Å"Total six percent of maritime transport of the world is done through and on the coasts of Red Sea. Red Sea is connected to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Israel, Yemen, and Djibouti. Not only is the maritime trade, tourism also one of the most significant factors†. (Nasser, 2003). Red sea is one amazing body of water with high salinity and wonderful marine life which attracts hundreds and thousands of people from around the world every year. It is stuck among some of the most important countries of the world, hence all the Tourism. Despite all the beauty and utility, the security and survival of the sea is a major concern. Red Sea’s coral reef, eco system, and marine life is in danger because of the oil spill, waste dump by all the surrounding countries, mighty natural evaporation and lack of input by any rivers, and last but not the least is absence of awareness among the government and responsible people about the issue. Red Sea is no longer a scene of pure nature and complete harmony. Unnecessary buildings in the form of hotels and restaurants in order to accommodate tourists, has also diminished the natural and awe and beauty of the place. The concerns of the area not restricted. There are numerous problems affecting Red Sea. One of which is unrestricted fishery. The adjoining countries have been unable in bringing about effective rules and regulations for fishery and the consequence is disappearance of world’s precious species and marine life. Apart from unhindered developments of tourist resorts and unrestricted fishery, Oil spill in the area is also a huge concern. Since the sea is a major connection connecting Europe with Asia, it has numerous ships in waters at bays all the time and this causes mighty pollution. One of the factors to be understood is that the Countries that surround the sea are oil rich countries. They export oil and their oil rigs are almost constantly present in the sea and they
Friday, July 26, 2019
My Uncle's Addicted To Illegal Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Uncle's Addicted To Illegal Drugs - Essay Example That is the delinquent is not punished for abusing the drug, but for the actions committed whilst under its influence. Since the most controversial drug at the moment is marijuana this paper will limit itself to the examination of this narcotic. The Legalise Cannabis Alliance is a UK based political organization committed to the legalization of marijuana. It seeks to have marijuana and marijuana products removed from the UK Misuse of Drugs Act and that possession, cultivation and use of marijuana or its products should be free from prosecution. It argues that marijuana can be used to produce cost-free fuel through the process of pyrolysis on marijuana biomass. Further, it believes that the prohibition of marijuana infringes Human Rights. â€Å"Prohibition†¦goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control man’s appetite through legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not even crimes†¦. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our Government was founded.†(cited in Legalise Cannabis Alliance manifesto.) However, this is a very high end argument. It is philosophical and many times removed from the misery endured by those who abuse drugs and those who have to take care of drug abusers. It takes no account of the human or financial costs of drug abuse. The case for marijuana however is special. There are many myths about marijuana. According to the Legalise Cannabis Alliance website in 1999 the US Institute of Medicine concluded that marijuana is not addictive, it is not a gateway drug, it is not a dangerous drug and it does have medical uses. Why then is it outlawed? There are people who believe that the ‘war on drugs’ itself is adding to the human and financial costs, and that it would be wiser to stop fighting the war altogether. For example, Legalise Drugs – a pro-legalization, anti-drug organization
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Debate Over Social Security Today Research Paper
The Debate Over Social Security Today - Research Paper Example The program created to aid those who are unemployed in US is still functional and the program that was created to assist the families that have dependant children has been transformed into a program created to aid the needy ones. The era of the Great Depression led to the creation of Social Security Act but the same idea existed even before this time period. For example: during the 1880s a program to aid the old aged people, pregnant women and ill people was functional in Germany. These programs are said to be developed due to the urbanization of Germany. Similarly, the program of social insurance is said to have developed due to the urbanization in US. During the period of 1880s the number of people working in industries and number of people working in farms and agricultural arena were equal. By the 1930s, the number of people working in farms decreased to 21% of the total workforce and people started gaining wage based employment in the industrial sector. Further states that the wa ges earned by people working in industrialized areas were variable in nature even before the Great Depression. Before the Great Depression, the unemployment rate between the eras of 1905 to 109 fluctuated from as low as 3.9% to 16.4% and the unemployment rate during the era of 1920 to 1924 fluctuated from 4.1% to 19.5% (Kennedy, 1999). When ever economic downtrend took place in US, the category of people who took most of the burden were the old aged people, other side effects of downtrend included loss of income due to impairments and death. These effects gained the attention of the policy makers and during the Great Depression these issues gained more strength as during this era the unemployment rate in non agricultural sectors elevated to 34%. Increase in the degree of these issues made the policy makers create the Social security program (Green, 2003). The early developed program of Social Security was not designed in a way to provide fast relief from the effects of the Great dep ression. The early program was somewhat like the Townsend plan according to which individuals aging 60 and above were provided with an old age pension of $200. This amount was only provided to those individuals who were not employed or could not work and they had to spend the entire amount in one particular months time period. This program never became a part of the US constitution but gained tremendous popularity because it focused on wiping of poverty and to obtain economic success. Body Several features of the Social Security Act of 1935 are still available in the current Social security system, over the years the system has experienced various changes. The changes made to the act during the era of 1939 have now become a part of debate. The Act in its true shape was created with the purpose of providing retirement funds to those who were no longer employed and were aging over 65 years. The formulation of the benefits that were to be offered to old aged people under this act was b ased on the income earned by these old aged people since 1937 and the benefits were offered to people coming from limited kinds of jobs. The first formulation of benefits offered very low benefits to the old aged people as compared to the wages earned by an average worker during that time period (Livingston, 2008). These benefits were never applied to the Social Security Act; the only features applied from this Social Security A
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Putting the person with diabetes first the team approach in holistic Essay
Putting the person with diabetes first the team approach in holistic assessment and management of diabetes mellitus. The module - Essay Example His cholesterol is high, as is his blood pressure. He is on Lipitor 80mg at night, has no foot ulcers or skin sores. He is also on metformin and sulfonylureas for his blood glucose maintenance. He does his best to comply with his regular medication, mostly his oral anti-diabetic medicines. His HbA1C is however persistently rising and he may need to be put on insulin for the next few months if his blood sugar would not be managed better. He has a strong support system through his wife and children. He is also intelligent and has a good understanding of his disease, however he is in denial about the long-term complications which may relate to his disease. This paper will discuss the appropriate and effective nursing management of this patient, considering mostly the importance of holistic assessment, self-management, and team approach in securing improved patient outcomes. Body The regulation of blood sugar levels are based on negative feedback which seeks to secure homeostasis for the body (Matthews, 2008). Blood glucose levels are monitored by the pancreas, mostly through cells called the Islets of Langerhans. In instances where the blood glucose would decrease near or below threshold levels, especially during exercise or prolonged lack of food, the Alpha cells of the pancreas discharge the hormone glucagon (Matthews, 2008). ... f glycogen or through the normal process of food ingestion, another hormone – insulin – is released from the beta cells of the pancreas (Brill 2011). Insulin allows the liver to convert the glucose into glycogen through the process of glycogenesis, thereby prompting majority of the body’s cells to use glucose found in the blood transported through the GLUT4 transporter (Powell 2007). This process would then lead to decreased blood sugar levels. As insulin attaches to the receptors found on the surface of the cells, the GLUT4 transporters bind to the plasma membrane through exocytosis. This would assist in the diffusion of glucose within the cell (Powell 2007). Glucose enters the cell and through phosphorylation, it is transformed into Glucose-6 Phosphate. This process helps maintain the concentration gradients, allowing glucose continued entry into the cell (Woodruff and Saudek 2005). The insulin gives the signal to the different systems, allowing metabolic contr ols to be maintained. In the case of Diabetes Mellitus type 1, non-production or insufficient production of insulin causes high blood glucose levels; and type 2 is often caused by a reduced responsiveness to insulin by the body tissues (Dubois and Bankauskaite 2005). There is insulin resistance, in other words. If unmanaged, diabetes, would persistently cause blood sugar levels to rise, with the glucose remaining within blood circulation, not absorbed or delivered by the cells (Dubois and Bankauskaite 2005). It can then lead to a variety of complications. The deficiency of insulin or the insensitivity of the receptors to insulin has a major role to play in the manifestation of diabetes. Individuals ingest and digest carbohydrates and through the actions of the enzymes within the digestive tract are
Facility & Equipment Injuries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Facility & Equipment Injuries - Essay Example Backboard cables can be any hazard for injury. Dunking is a frequent occurrence in the game of basketball. Therefore use of poorly constructed rims that do not break on hard impact pose risk to the hands of basketball players (Borkowski, 2004). Improperly designed basketball rims can also be a hazard for basketball players, when they dunk the basketball (Kidman & Hanrahan, 2004). Debris, or dirt, or playing floors and missing or raised floor plates can also cause injuries to players (Borkowski, 2004). To prevent injuries from collusions with objects outside the playing area, I will create buffer zones providing a minimum of three feet space from the playing area; preferably I would like to have buffer zones of ten feet. I will regularly check the backboard cables to ensure that they do pose any hazard to the players. I will report any faulty rims and backboards to the authorities, and will not allow the players to use them till they are replaced. I will regularly ensure that dirt, debris, and wet spots from the playing floors. In the case of raised floor plates I will report it to the authorities, and the relevant playing area will not be used till the defects are addressed. In this manner I hope to reduce injuries to basket ball players from facilities and equipment (Borkowski,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The McKissack and McKissack Group Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The McKissack and McKissack Group Inc - Essay Example McKissack has worked on various civil developments, fresh water and wastewater projects and have examined hundreds of miles of pipelines. Business strategy of McKissack has always been based on long term basis. And records show that over the past 100 years, McKissack has acquired and retained hundreds of clients through their excellent business relationships and customer retention. And they have achieved this through broad management approach and forming and achieving concrete strategic objectives. McKissack is a close knitted business entity which administers each project from its seed stage to its completion, while overseeing all the operations. McKissack is always looking for projects in the market that require innovative yet pragmatic and affordable construction solutions and the reason that gives them the courage to take such bold steps is their experiencing of completing thousands of projects in the past 100 years. Teamwork, quality and commitment have always been the hallmark of their business strategy that enables them to grow as an outstanding industry. The legacy of McKissack dates back to over two centuries when Moses McKissack (a slave) became an expert builder after learning the craftsmanship from his owner William McKissack, who was among the first contractor in the US. Moses McKissack, before dying in 1865, passed on his knowledge of structure to his son Gabriel Moses, who did the same by teaching the skill to his two sons; Moses III (born 1879) and Calvin (born 1890). When Moses III believed that he was skilled enough to start his own construction business, he moved to Nashville in 1905. He received education in architecture and engineering and in a short time got commission for structuring the Carnegie Library at Fisk University, which was the first major structure designed by a black American in America. After that assignment, he got recognition which landed him many more contracts of various colleges in the South and some Middle Tennesseeâ₠¬â„¢s better-quality homes (Governor A.H. Robert’s mansion was among them). In 1912, Calvin and Moses were the first individuals who were registered under the new licensing law with the State of Tennessee. The McKissack brothers did not stop there and proceeded to make Tennessee’s first black designing and building firm in 1922. They received national recognition when the US Government paid them $5.7 million to construct an air base at Tuskegee in Alabama. To this day, this contract remains the largest construction contract given to a black firm by the federal government. Moses McKissack had six sons who went into education, architecture, construction and law. Moses was invited to the Whitehouse to discuss the issue of national housing problem because of his expertise in architecture and construction in housing projects. This occurred during the reign of President Franklin Roosevelt. Calvin became the president of the McKissack firm after the death of his brother Moses who was succeeded by Moses’ son, Williams in 1968. McKissack flourished under the leadership of Williams who held on to the innovative ideas of his father and brought much praise to McKissack’s design and construction. Williams retired in 1983 and his wife took over the firm as Chief Executive Officer. Since then, she has brought
Monday, July 22, 2019
Malaysian airline Essay Example for Free
Malaysian airline Essay Purposes: In general, a brand’s reputation of Airlines Company might be very important in the eye of people (society). In fact, brand is consider as a promise to customers â€Å"setting up expectations†and with a strong brand it deliver on what it promises by the development of a strong reputation (Aaker 2009, p. 3). This approach seems particularly well suited to the reputation of Airlines Company, in which their brand’s reputation as image can be describe as a very important aspect. The goal of this study is to assess and analyses on the implication of accident to the reputation of Malaysia Airlines (MAS). In this project, I will explore how the reputation of MAS is affected, after the accident on 8 March 2014 (BBC 2014). In particular, I will focus on how MAS’s reputation and brand is significantly damaged by the disappearance of Flight MH370 and how to fix and rebuilding their reputation and brand’s image after the accident happen. Therefore, the questions arise on how to convince and ensure the safety of MAS in their future operations. Also, the study will examine, test and attempt to measure the trust level of a customer’s perspective (the situational approach) towards MAS reputation after the tragedy occurred. Background: In this age, reputation and brand is become one of essential part of business environment. According to Brigham (2010) claims a business’s most valuable asset is its good name, brand and reputation, as a result brand reputational value is irreplaceable and company must protect it (Brigham 2010, p. 1). Hence, the accident on Flight MH370 is apparently affected the brand and reputation of MAS. As a result, I choose this topic, since it was the current issue in the eye of people around the world, due to the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 went missing less than an hour after take off. Also, the other reason I’m interested to select this issue, because I believe this accident will give a huge impact which can tarnish to the business reputation of MAS. Thus, this topic is important issue now, because it not just involves the company itself, but it related to international accident. Furthermore, I will conduct my study in a literature review, observe the general p eople discussion regarding MH370 Flight incident, and take a survey and interview randomly in Sydney about the mystery of disappearance of MH370. Scope: I will engage in literature review, in order to collect secondary data which is available on the news over a six-week period, from 1 April to 13 May 2014 for approximately 6 hour per week. I will typically observe the discussion of general people regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370 and stay around ten to fifteen minutes in order to observe other people perspective’s in the way they talk, feel and express about MAS reputation after the accident occurred. On some days I may come at other times of the day for survey. In this case, I will make a questionnaire regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. Moreover, I will schedule structured interviews, but I will interview randomly to a general people in Sydney as informal question re garding their opinion and judgement about MAS reputation after the missing plane MH370, as needed to clarify and provide insight perspective of MAS reputation’s value into specific conversations. Theoretical framework: I will be guided most generally by the concept of branding in the International Marketing field, since branding is develop a company reputation in long term and it may be consider as one of the most important decisions made by marketing managers (Kohli, 1997, p. 206). The concept of branding leads to build a reputation in the mind of consumer as company image (identity) as seen from the outside and it about company brand is who they are, what is their strength, integrity and reputation, so its not simply on how company logo is displayed, but rather than that, it involves the emotional and intellectual response to target audiences (Stine 2008, p. 2). The corporate reputation can be consider as corporate image which is content identify, image, prestige, goodwill, esteem and standing (Wartick2002 as cited in Dolphin 2004, p. 81). Also, the corporate reputation is most influenced by the actions of an organization rather than a successful of PR campaign (Lewis 2001, p. 31). Consequently, based on research a good reputation allows a company to easily attract customers companies by the establishment of reputation for delivering high-quality products and service (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 30). Research show that a firms’ reputation is consider to the success or failure of its brands, so it is very important for a firm to maintain or advance their reputation (Herbig and Milewicz 1993, p. 18). In addition, research show a good corporate reputation leads firms to enhance financial and market performance, as a result the corporate reputation appears to emerge as a critical dimension of benchmarking of a firm performance (Lee and Roh 2012, p. 649). Hence, it is very important to get a good reputation; company must be truthful, reliable and consistent about the offering product or service in order to get a customer loyalty (Melewar, Nguyen and Abimbola 2013, p. 1). Brands and brandings have such a profound impact on the society as whole a not just on people who buy or used their product and service, thus an ethical brand enhances the firm’s reputation, since such a good reputation reinforces the brand in turn (Fan 2005, p. 341). However, any unethical behaviour of misconduct will severely damage or even destroy the total intangible asset of company, so in order to retain and advance company name, marketing managers must concern and implement 6Cs of corporate marketing which are corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation must be integrated under the umbrella title of corporate marketing (Fan 2005, p. 341 and Balmer Greyser 2006, p. 730). According to Kotler and Keller (2006), brands are very important for both the company and the consumers, because brands indentify the source or maker of a product and service and allow consumers either individuals or organization to assig n responsibility to a particular manufacture or distributor (Kotler and Keller 2006 as cited in Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 19). In this case, the brand reputation can be good or bad, strong or weak, its depend on how the company maintain their performance of reputation and it crystallizes how people feel about that reputation based on whatever information they have about the brand is regarded and respected (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 31). I am exploring the meanings of brand reputation of MAS which is apparently affected after MH370 Flight incident. In this research, I hope to achieve the solution on how to fix and rebuilding the reputation of MAS Company and find the solution on how to get a trust back from customer itself. Also, find the way on how to maintain the customer loyalty after accident happen. Moreover, conclude the outcome on how far the correlations regarding brand reputation can affect the consumer’s perception. At the end, get the results regarding on the current level of customers’ confidence and trust in general people towards MAS reputation. Method: 1. Conduct a literature review on the implication of accident to the reputation of MAS. 2. Observe the discussion of general people about the mystery of missing plane MH370, for example: in collage or in a public place if somebody or friends talk about MAS Flight incident. Therefore, I will come closely and have a discussion with them in order to observe their opinion and judgement regarding their own way on how they talk, feel and express their perspectives about MAS reputation. 3. Interview randomly to a general people in Sydney (city area) to clarify and provide insight into conversations. Thus, I will try to conduct these interviews shortly after conversation of interest to a general people who discusses regarding the accident to the reputation of MAS. The common strategy for the interviews is to begin with broad and general questions and follow up on the interviewee’s response in order to capture the person meanings and get their perception and to avoid imposing my meanings on the interviewee. I will use structured interviews in order to ensure that answer can be reliably aggregated (consistent), also it can reach a large sample, so a representative sample is possible can be used to make statements. While the interviews will not be formal but it structured, it more likely as informal and the kinds of questions I will ask include the following: a. What do you feel regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370? b. What do you think about the reputation of MAS after the accident occurred recently? c. What do you think that MAS should do in order to solve the tragedy of missing plane MH370? d. Do you still believe that MAS have a good reputation after the MH370 Flight incident? e. If you have a chance to travel going to overseas, do you still have trust to fly with MAS, despite the missing Flight MH370? f. Do you believe that MAS will improve their management of security and safety as their offered the flying service in the future? 4. Conduct a simple survey by a questionnaire paper regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. The reasons, I’m using questionnaires because it’s practical (I can do and conduct), realistic, sensible, handy, useful and convenient method. The outcome of conduct questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily interpret the result. 5. Write a research report that combines my understanding of own horizon and perception of the relevant theory and previous research with the outcomes of my empirical research. Simple Gantt chart: Limitations: Time constraints (limitation) of the semester require less time than may be ideal for research study. By collecting secondary data for only six hours a week for six-weeks, there are bound to be very difficult to evaluate the accuracy of secondary data, and the quality of internal secondary data may be exaggerated or biased, since I rely on secondary data from the news. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The interview and survey it can be difficult to obtain reliable data on attitudes, opinion and values (unless validated questionnaires are used). Delimitations: I am choosing to not find the data from primary resources which is not available (not exist) and it’s not allowing the access of data. Thus, I’m used the secondary data from the news which is available, in order to look a broader of perspective regarding the understanding of general people in society towards the reputation of MAS. It is often cheaper and it saves time than doing primary research. Additionally, I will not use unstructured interviews because; a lot more time consuming in comparison to other research methods and it can be difficult to interview a large sample, affecting the data’s generalise and representativeness, also prone to digression and much of the data collected might be worthless. References Aaker, J 2009, ‘Building Innovative Brands’, Stanford Graduate School of Business, pp. 1-38, viewed 5April 2014, . Balmer, M.T.J and Greyser, S.A 2006, ‘Corporate Marketing: Integrating corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.730 – 741, Emerald, viewed 2 April 2014 BBC 2014, ‘Missing Malaysia Airlines plane’, News Asia, viewed 1 April 2014, Brigham, A. F 2010, ‘Your Brand Reputational Value Is Irreplaceable Protect It!’, Forbes, pp. 1, viewed 5April 2014, . Dolphin, R. R 2004, ‘Corporate reputation – a value creating strategy’, Corporate Governance, Vol. 4 Iss: 3, pp.77 – 92, Emerald, viewed 4 April 2014 Fan, Y 2005, ‘Ethical branding and corporate reputation’, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 10 Iss: 4, pp.341 350, Emerald, viewed 2 April 2014 Herbig, P and Milewicz, J 1993, ‘The relationship of reputation and credibility to brand success’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10 Iss: 3, pp.18 – 24, Emerald, viewed 5April 2014 Kohli, C 1997, ‘Branding consumer goods: insights from theory and practice’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 14 Iss: 3, pp. 206 219, Emerald, viewed 5April 2014 Lee, J and Roh, J.J 2012, ‘Revisiting corporate reputation and firm performance link’, Benchmarking: an International Journal, Vol. 19 Iss: 4/5, pp.649 – 664, Emerald, viewed 3 April 2014 Lewis, S 2001, ‘Measuring corporate reputation’, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 6 Iss: 1, pp.31 – 35, Emerald, viewed 4 April 2014 Melewar, T.C, Nguyen, B and Abimbola, T 2013, ‘Corporate branding, identity, image and reputation (COBIIR)’, Marketing Intelligence Planning, Vol. 31 Iss: 5, pp. 1, Emerald, viewed 3 April 2014 Ngwese, E.R and Zhang 2007, ‘Brand Reputation in International Marketing’, Master of Science in International Marketing, pp. 1-65, University of Halmstad, viewed 4 April 2014, . Stine, G 2008, ‘The Nine Principles of Branding’, Polaris Inc. Branding Solutions, pp. 1-33, viewed 5April 2014, .
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Custom Made Finger Prosthesis Study
Custom Made Finger Prosthesis Study ABSTRACT: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Maxillofacial Prosthodontics is an art and science which provides life-like appearance to the missing structures of an individual. The complete or partial loss of a finger results in significant functional deficiencies. In addition to immediate loss of grasp, strength and security, the absence of a finger may cause marked psychological trauma. CASE DESCRIPTION A case report has been presented where a custom made finger prosthesis; comfortable in use and esthetically acceptable to the patient was fabricated; using silicone material. CONCLUSION The retention for this patient was obtained by reducing the stump and using a ring of suitable size. Introduction: Finger and partial-finger amputations are some of the most frequently encountered forms of partial-hand losses.1 Although the most common causes of these amputations are traumatic injuries, congenital absences or malformations may present similar clinical challenges.2 Prosthesis refers to artificial replacement of an absent part of the human body. These artificial substitutes serve primarily to improve the patient’s appearance and to support them psychologically. They play an immense role in making the patient more socially acceptable.3 Reconstructive surgery cannot restore esthetics as much as prosthesis can and thus has limited role in case of lost body parts. The major role in rehabilitating the patient is thus played by the maxillofacial prosthodontist and the anaplastologist. The ideally constructed finger prosthesis must meet the following preconditions: the prosthesis must assist in grip and absorbing and transferring forces to the hand; the prosthesis should look natural, allowing expression of gestures.4,5 This article presents a case of rehabilitation of a finger defect with a silicone prosthesis and describes a method of retention for the same. CLINICAL REPORT: A 22-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Prosthodontics, with a chief complaint of a partially missing index finger on her right hand. A complete hand examination was carried out that revealed a residual stump on the index finger of the right hand measuring 1.5 cm in height. A solitary healed wound/scar was seen on the base of the residual stump. The surrounding area appeared to be normal with no signs of any infection or inflammation. Informed consent was obtained before beginning the treatment procedure. Making Impressions The index finger of the patient’s left and right hand were lubricated with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, to prevent the hydrocolloid impression material from adhering to it. Impressions of the stump and of the index finger of the contralateral hand which correspond to the lost digit were taken using irreversible hydrocolloid. A plastic disposable cup of sufficient length and diameter was chosen to confine the impression material. The containers were tried on the patient’s fingers to provide adequate clearance of at least 5 mm around for the impression material. Regular setting alginate was mixed using cold water to increase the working time and poured into the containers. The patient was asked to dip her finger and stump vertically into the container without touching the sides or the bottom of the container. Both the impressions were made with the digits in the semiflexed and relaxed position. The material was allowed to set and the fingers were removed quickly in a jerking motion after the material was set. The impression of the stump was poured in Type-III dental stone. The impression of the middle finger was poured with molten modeling wax. Upon cooling, the wax pattern was retrieved from alginate mold by partially incising the alginate mold with sharp instrument. The wax pattern was then adjusted by sculpting and adapted on the working cast. Approximate length and angulations were determined on working cast and later confirmed during trial of wax pattern. The wax pattern was tried on the patients affected right hand little finger. Necessary adjustments regarding the length, contour and angulations of the finger were done at this stage of prosthetic fabrication. Stump preparation A reduction of 1-1.5 mm was done on the stone casts to produce prosthesis with a smaller diameter which can be stretched over the stump to provide retention. The pattern and the cast were then invested in a large size Hanau flask. The mold was first poured only upto half of the pattern. Tin foil substitute was applied and then the other half was poured, wax was eliminated in the conventional way. Color matching and incorporation of nail The most critical step was to match the color of the prostheses to the patient’s skin color. The basic skin color was observed. The colors were mixed with the silicone to obtain the base color. Maximum efforts were made to achieve the appropriate characterization for the palmer and dorsal surfaces of the prostheses. The shade matching was done using natural daylight. Artificial nail was properly shaped and trimmed to the required size. Around 1 mm of nail bed was carved in the wax pattern and the nail was incorporated in that space. The mould created by the elimination of the wax was packed with silicone rubber. The material was allowed to bench cure overnight and for the final polymerization, it was placed in hot water, for one hour, at 45 degrees Celsius. Once the final prosthesis was retrieved, the flash was trimmed using a sharp blade and the final finishing was accomplished using fine sand paper. The retention for this patient was by using a ring of suitable size. DISCUSSION: Individuals who desire finger replacement usually have high expectations for the appearance of the prosthesis.6 The polyvinyl chloride material generally used is easily and permanently stained by such common materials as ballpoint pen and newspaper ink and has not proven durable enough for active use. The acceptance rate has been much higher when individually sculpted custom restoration using silicone elastomer is provided.7 The overall durability and stain resistance of silicone is far superior to any other material currently available for finger restorations. Almost all stains can be removed easily with water and soap.8 Silicone finger restorations may have additional functional benefits. Many traumatic amputees experience painful hypersensitivity at the termination of finger remnants. The gentle, constant pressure of an elastomer prosthesis can help desensitize and protect the injured tip. Over time, scar tissue contained within a silicone prosthesis seems to become more pliant an d comfortable. Recent literature speculates that silicone gel improves the hydration of the stratum corneum of immature hypertrophic scars. Placing a decorative ring over the margin of a finger prosthesis ending at the metacarpal-phalangeal joint will make the changing color of the hand less noticeable although the distal joint functions will be slightly restricted. Conclusion The custom-made finger prosthesis is esthetically acceptable and comfortable for use in patients with amputated fingers, resulting in psychological improvement and personality. An esthetic and retentive prosthesis are the primary determinant factors in the successful prosthetic restoration of a finger. The retention for this patient was obtained by reducing the stump and using a ring of suitable size.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Changing Role Of Women
The Changing Role Of Women Gender inequality is one of the enormous puzzles of contemporary society. In last several decades, a significant alteration has happened in higher education throughout much of the industrialized world. For the first time in history, females are completing their educational studies more than males are. However, the university majors are still highly gender separated. Nonetheless, the creation of womens studies programs at university level helps women to reach the gender equality. Also women have to overcome many restrictions connected with the business issues. Despite the fact, that in general, women participation in the Fortune 500 board seats has grown, on the average, the rate of increase is quite slow. Moreover the wage gap and the glass ceiling issues are still exist. Furthermore gender disparity in family remains an issue, despite the fact that the inequality has shifted and became less pronounced in the family life. Keywords: gender inequality in education, college majors, womens studies, sex disparity in business, Fortune 500, wage gap, glass ceiling, gender inequality in family, households, childrens gender, child custody. Gender Inequality: The Changing Role of Women throughout the Last 30 Years in U.S. Gender inequality is one of the enormous puzzles of contemporary society. Gender inequality refers to the unequal perceptions of individuals according to their gender. Males and females are unequal in every possible way in infinite circs, both immediate and enduring, by both objective aspect and subjective practice. Thus, what we can count as gender inequality? Can we describe it in methods that let us surely and fairly assess when there is more or less of it? Gender disparity occurs in the all areas of modern world. Education, business and family evoke the enormous amount of controversy in terms of gender disparity. Gender inequality in education has received significant consideration during recent years from researchers and educators. There are three main points that describe the gender inequality in education: preponderance of women who graduate from university compared to number of men, gender gap in terms of college majors and creation of womens studies. Although women overcame many restrictions connected with the business issues, however the gender gap in the managing positions, wage gap and glass ceiling are still exist. Moreover, gender disparity within the family remains an issue. Despite the fact, that women and men try to share all households, eventually females still doing more than males. Also the sex disparity appears in the perception of childs gender. In addition, the decision-making that refers to childrens custody after d ivorce shows the changing tendency that connected with gender inequality. Gender roles: are they really changing? Gender inequality in education In last several decades, a significant alteration has happened in higher education throughout much of the industrialized world. For the first time in history, females are completing their educational studies more than males are. Up until the 1990s, men have surpassed women in the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees that were completed in US. Since the 1990s, women have begun to attain greater equality with men and, in many cases, have exceeded men in regards to their educational achievement. According to a recent study by the U.S. Congress, females are now prospering as well as, or better than, males on many of the indicators of educational achievement. Interestingly, the huge gaps in educational achievement between males and females that once prevailed have been generally eradicated. In the United States, women currently earn 67 percent of all bachelors degrees. In a recent study McDaniel(2010) found that the demographics were that 61 percent Hispanics, 61 percent Native Am ericans, 54 percent Asians, and 57 percent White females attained college. Changing educational achievement rates for men and women could reinforce gender gaps in salary, the involvement of women in the labor force, and a huge variety of other labor market issues. The increasing ratio of college-educated women compared to men could change social tendencies in marriage: more women delay marriage, divorce or completely deny marriage. As we can see now, the traditional roles of woman are being altered because of the impact of educational access for women. The tendency for increasing numbers of women in higher education should explain not only how females have caught up to males in graduating from college, but also why the female percentage of the population surpassed and continues to increase as compared to the male rate for college graduation. Researchers have looked at sociological and economic ways that the study of educational achievement has evolved. The significance of women increasing their educational opportunities shows in changes in the labor market, where women need to have a higher degree than men to have an equal wage, or the goal to develop their special skills and talents. The second determinant of educational achievement is access to resources. The numerous studies confirmed that family-based financial, social, and cultural resources all play an important role in educational attainment (McDaniel, 2010). Research has begun to concentrate on a females advantage in education in the United States, but it is necessary to emphasize that womens rising tendency of graduation does not mean that the parity in the area of education has finally been reached. University majors are still highly gender separated. In most cases, women choose fields of study which usually bring in less money. The fields that are predominated by men are engineering, law, medicine, natural science and mathematics. The majors that are predominated by women are nursing, social science, teaching, and the humanities. The variety in choices of university majors between males and females is highly striking. In 2007-2009, among recipients of bachelors degrees in the United States, 13% of women majored in education compared to 4% of men, and only 4% of women majored in engineering compared to 14% of men (Evertsson et al., 2009). Unfortunately, in different mens majors women face the problem of gender inequality that connected with the gender perception. The sex differences in choice of major have recently been at the top of disputes on the reasons behind womens under-representation in science and engineering (Evertsson et al., 2009). Females are still considered as being less capable in succeeding in mathematics and natural sciences than males. However, the gender gap in math and science achievement tests is quite insignificant. It is also known that the gender gap has been declining over the past 20 years. One more important change that is connected to gender inequality in education is the creation of womens studies programs at university level. Since the first womens studies program was founded in the 1969-1970 academic year, over 600 schools have established programs (Carell, Page, West, 2010). Undoubtedly, the number of womens studies courses has continued to increase, from 449 in 1984, to 626 in 1994. Colleges and universities now offer about 2,000 womens studies programs (Carell et al., 2010). Today, womens studies are offered in many countries, though the extension of its institutionalization varies widely. The researchers state that the rise in high rate of womens studies has occurred due to the fact that women were always treated as a minority in the society, whose rights have been violated. So now it is considered as a great opportunity to learn about women. An appraisal of the disciplinary impact of womens studies will necessarily be continuous process, as womens studies and associated academic fields further develop. The researchers state that womens studies majors help females to enhance their feminist consciousness and personal self-esteem. Some researchers also point out that females who take part into womens studies changed their attitude towards the perception of men. Women became more likely to compete with men, despite the existing gender disparity. Its important to expand end develop womens studies in order to displace the harsh oppression often made regarding women and reduce the gender inequality. Gender disparity in business One substantial indicator that a society has achieved gender equality would be the existence of approximately equal number of males and females in executive positions. Despite the fact that in Western countries females have far more access to management positions than at any other period in history, equal picture is surely not present. Nonetheless, in recent decades the number of women entering the executive, managerial, or professional ranks in the U.S. has increased. However, these females are concentrated at lower levels of management. Across all economic areas, compared to males, females rarely occupy positions conferring major decision-making authority and the ability to affect others salary or preferment (Duehr Bono, 2006). During the last fifteen years, progression wasnt fast for females in the boards of the largest 500 US firms. The Fortune 500 is the rating of the top 500 United States publicly traded companies as measured by their gross incomes and is complied per annum by Fortune magazine. Women held 9.6 per cent of the Fortune boards seats in 1995, though by 2011 women held 19 per cent seats (Van Der Lippe, De Ruijter, Raub, 2011). Despite the fact that in general, women participation in the Fortune 500 board seats has grown, on the average, the rate of increase is quite slow. According to this rate of increase, it may need at least 70 years for women to attain equity with men on Fortune 500 boards. Females actions can encounter with greater examinations and their performance may be more sharply judged as long as women are not well represented on the board. In spite of the progression women have made, gender pay parity in the workplace is still a problem. In 1990 women earned only 60 cents for every dollar that men earned, implying a gender pay gap of 40 cents (or 40 percent). Although the gender pay gap had stood at roughly that level for decades, the 1995 a striking thing happened: the raw pay gap shrunk rapidly, and it has continued to shrink to this day ( Dey Hill, 2007). Economists analyze the gender wage gap using wage regressions-that is, statistical analyses specifying the relationship between wages and productivity- related characteristics for men and women (Hoque, DuBois, Fox- Cardamone, 2010). The survey concludes that some of the raw wage gap is due to varieties in the measured characteristics of males and females. The gender pay gap has become an essential attribute of the U.S. workstation and is so wide spread that many people believe that it is normal. In most fields college-educated females still earn less than their male co-workers earn, despite the equal working conditions that connected with hours, occupation, parenthood, and other factors that are normally associated with payment system. Women tend to work in the nonprofit and local government areas, where salaries are statistically lower than those in the for-profit and federal government areas (Hoque et al., 2010). The pay parity is particularly a question of fairness. Women dont have enough resources to provide themselves and feed their families, when they are paid less compared to men for equal work. A lot of women experience deficiency is terms of savings as a result of the wage gap, especially when they reti re (Van Der Lippe et al., 2011). The pay inequality is an obstacle for females opportunity to negotiate in the workstation. Most couples tend to prioritize the higher-earning husbands well-being in child care, selection of residence, and other household decisions, because women earn less. The term glass ceiling was used in 1984 by the author of the Corporate Woman column in The Wall Street Journal to describe the process in the work area in USA and other countries. This author reported that an invisible obstacle serves to prevent all but a disproportionately few females from reaching the highest levels of the corporate hierarchy, oblivious of their achievement and merits ( KepHeart Schumacher, 2005). Researchers state that the glass ceiling in corporate America shows a few cracks now, but it is still firmly in place. The point is that the glass ceiling is not a hurdle for a person based on an individuals failure to cope with a higher-level job. It refers to females as a group who are kept from promoting because they are women. Unfortunately, many women who plan their promotion and expect high work positions may not be promoted not because they cant handle the higher-level job, but because they are women. This refers to a special kind of gender discrimination connecte d with the working area. Many researchers also report that despite the glass ceiling there is one more hurdle for female leaders today. That is the peculiar wall that exists at the top, in other words when women succeed in the process of the destruction of strong glass ceiling, then she face another barrier, which is the brick wall between their success and the traditional male hierarchies on the other side. Sometimes as a result, women are choosing to leave the workplace on their own consent, to participate only in family matters, or because they do not want the burden of the leader positions. Actually, women choose to leave corporate America, not so much because of the obvious obstacles previously outlined, but because they choose to establish their own businesses. In fact, the foundation of the owning a business is a very prosperous way of avoiding the glass ceiling concepts. Researchers state that 23% of the women interviewed providing disillusionment with the glass ceiling as the incentive for establishing their own businesses, also between 1997 and 2008, the number of women-owned companies increased by 19 % nationally, in addition, since 1999 there has been a 190 % increase in construction businesses and a 130 % increase in manufacturing businesses started by women ( Terjesen, Sealy, Sinqh, 2009). Moreover, over 2.46 trillion dollars in commerce are generated from female owned businesses. Females are also owners of 12.6 million privately held and majority owned corporations (Terjesen et al., 2009). Its impressive that women serve as employers to 19.5 million employee s; it means that the quarter of all employees work for a woman entrepreneur. These indexes prove the tremendous shift in direction of women entrepreneurism as the chosen approach to crack through the glass ceiling. Sex inequality within family During the last decades womens responsibilities within the family have changed a lot. Therefore, gender inequality acquired a new form due to participation of women in the labor force. The researchers claim that womens employment leads to more equal participation regarding households. Presently, females dont have enough free time to participate in a household as before. Thus, gender inequality has shifted and became less pronounced in the family life. Actually, it took a lot of efforts for women to acquire the same status as men have today. There are two aspects that underlie this change. The first aspect is connected to the womens position of power that she reached as a result of getting independent income. Women now have access to money resources, the opportunity to negotiate the allocation of responsibilities and tasks and became an important and reputable participant in the process of the decision making within the household (Minques, 2012). The second one refers to the females limitation of free time that led to the increase of mens participation in child care and other activities connected with the household. However, researchers state that the disproportional share of the burden of household still exists. Females are assigned more labor-intensive and time-consuming chores. Despite the increase of males participation in a household, men tend to be responsible for familial obligations that take less time and concentration (Mi nques,2012). It means that in spite of the fact that men share the households with their spouses, women still spend a lot of time doing their domestic duties. Another factor that shows the gender inequality within the family is connected to the gender of children. In spite of the statement that the contemporary families are less concerned about gender of their children and tend to have one child of each sex parents still have some preferences. Dahl and Moretti (as sited in Raley and Bianchi, 2006) argues that a number of pieces of evidences suggests that there continues to be a preference for sons, at least among fathers in the United States. For instance, they investigated that couples with two daughters proceed to a third birth than those with two sons. The researchers consider this finding as consistent with a preference for boys over girls. Whether or not parents have a preference in terms of gender of their child, they subconsciously set more hopes on boys than girls. Given past gender differences in adulà  µ economic achievements, parents may assume that one gender, most often sons, will have higher economic achievement in adulthood (Raley Bianchi, 2006). In spite of the fact that a lot of couples emphasize that girls will be caregivers for them in the future, parents also suppose that their sons will help them financially, while daughters will spend most of the time in their own families doing households and taking care of children. The presumption that girls will devote the life to their own families as caregivers leads to another area in which couples seem to differentiate the involvement in house-work activities by sex ( Raley Bianchi, 2006). Although parents state that they allocate chores equally, girls do more household work overall. Because girls do more feminine households like cooking and cleaning and boys do more masculine chores as household repairs and outdoor works, its obvious that daughters will do more chores, because cleaning and cooking is a kind of everyday activity, what we cant say about repair. It is an obvious fact that during the long time in US gender inequality in terms of custody of children after parents divorce was in favor of women. However, that tendency has endured a huge surge of changes 25 years ago. National estimates in the 1970s and 80s indicated that women had sole custody of the children approximately 85% of the time, and men retained sole custody 10% of the time, with the remaining 5% spread over a variety of custody arrangements, including grandparent, split or joint custody ( Kalmijn, 2007). The rights of males in this issue has increased and changed for the better over time. Affected by fathers complaints of gender discrimination in custody decisions, constitutional concerns for parity protection, the feminist movement, and the entry of large numbers of females into the labor market, most states had replaced the standards that were based on the gender. Women lost one of their few benefits that refer to gender inequality. The researchers state that the fact that women became more independent and anxious about their career played not a good role for child custody decision-making. In 1980, 2.9 million mothers got sole custody of their children; by 1995 that situation had almost tripled. Nevertheless, by 2007 the number of fathers with sole custody increased by 4 times, while the number of mothers who got the sole custody decreased (DeGermo, Patras, Eap, 2008). Although the number of mothers who have the sole custody substantially prevails, the number of fathers who get the sole custody of children unceasingly grows. Despite all the changes and reforms, gender inequality still exists. Women are trying to avoid many obstacles that they face on their way to success and power. Unfortunately, women need to prove their capabilities in all areas much harder than men do and it does not matter if it is an education, or business, or family scope. Today women still face the gender inequality in terms of leadership positions, pay gap and glass ceiling. They also are unequal with men in area of different college majors and family responsibilities. Nevertheless, due to tremendous efforts, the gender disparity gave a crack in point of womens attendance to college and establishment of womens studies programs. It is well known that the modernity is a time of change and it is obvious that change in gender inequality will continue. But the question is how much time and efforts it will take and will we be satisfied with the results that we will finally receive?
Roanoke Island :: essays research papers
In 1584, explorers Phillip Amanda and Arthur Barlowe were the first people to set eyes on Roanoke Island. It is explained to be characterized by thick marshlands and stands of live oaks teeming with wildlife. The explorers were sent there by Sir Walter Raleigh. HE was a poet soldier and a statesman. The trip was for one specific reason, to search for an ideal location for settlement. The queen was very pleased about what was being done. She was so please that she granted Raleigh a patent for all the lands he could occupy. He called the new land Virginia in honor of the Virgin Queen. Raleigh recruited 117 men and women for a permanent settlement. When the people had got there they discovered that the Roanoke Indians had killed 15 men. They were forced to stay. On August 18 1587 Eleanor Dare gave birth to a girl. She named her Virginia. She was the first child to be bore on the American soil. The new land needed supplies in order to stay alive so John White left for Brittan. Little did he know that he would never see his family again. He returned in two years eager to see his family back on the island but he never found anyone. He had only found a carving which read â€Å"craotok â€Å". That meant that they had gone 50 miles up Maine. There was a terrible storm and he was forced to go back to Brittan. The people of Roanoke were never found for they had mysteriously disappeared. Raleigh had given up hope for settlement, but in 1591 he had his hopes high again. He sent another expedition to America but it had failed. In 1595 he decided to go for himself. He ended up on Guiana instead of Virginia. 15 years later he tried once again and failed. He tried again in 1603. This time he sent Bartholomen Gilbert. He and his crew were killed by Indians. After that tragic incident. Raleigh could no longer try anymore, because later he was imprisoned by the new king, King James I. Roanoke Island :: essays research papers In 1584, explorers Phillip Amanda and Arthur Barlowe were the first people to set eyes on Roanoke Island. It is explained to be characterized by thick marshlands and stands of live oaks teeming with wildlife. The explorers were sent there by Sir Walter Raleigh. HE was a poet soldier and a statesman. The trip was for one specific reason, to search for an ideal location for settlement. The queen was very pleased about what was being done. She was so please that she granted Raleigh a patent for all the lands he could occupy. He called the new land Virginia in honor of the Virgin Queen. Raleigh recruited 117 men and women for a permanent settlement. When the people had got there they discovered that the Roanoke Indians had killed 15 men. They were forced to stay. On August 18 1587 Eleanor Dare gave birth to a girl. She named her Virginia. She was the first child to be bore on the American soil. The new land needed supplies in order to stay alive so John White left for Brittan. Little did he know that he would never see his family again. He returned in two years eager to see his family back on the island but he never found anyone. He had only found a carving which read â€Å"craotok â€Å". That meant that they had gone 50 miles up Maine. There was a terrible storm and he was forced to go back to Brittan. The people of Roanoke were never found for they had mysteriously disappeared. Raleigh had given up hope for settlement, but in 1591 he had his hopes high again. He sent another expedition to America but it had failed. In 1595 he decided to go for himself. He ended up on Guiana instead of Virginia. 15 years later he tried once again and failed. He tried again in 1603. This time he sent Bartholomen Gilbert. He and his crew were killed by Indians. After that tragic incident. Raleigh could no longer try anymore, because later he was imprisoned by the new king, King James I.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury :: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451
Farenheit 451 Hello my name is Michael Clements, I attend Sout Gwinnett High School. In our English class we were assigned to read the book Farenhite 451. The book was verry unique unlike any other i have ever read. The author of Farenhite 451 told of much science fiction that became true over the present years. I think he is a verry good observer. In this paper the critics view, analysis of literacy device, and the revelance to society today. These topics will be mentioned and shared throught the paper. The critic that criticizes you, Mr. Bradburry is verry supportive of your book Farenheit 451. The critic Pauln A. Gilster shars his thoughts on your book clearly and freely. The quote I chose from Gilsters article stated, "The real power of the tale is the lean language Bradburry assigns his villains. (Document A) I chose this small part because i am interested in the make up of your characters. One good quote from your novel that supports this is stated by Beatty, "For everyone nowadays knows absolutely nothing will ever happen to me." (133) When beatty says this he is refering to everyones thoughts. This shows the smoothness of the novel and the realistic imagry of todays society. Throughout the book literary devices makes the writing exciting to read. A passage from a document shows the ritics response that i agree with. Gilster states "All of Bradburrys pieces of work are laced with extravagance, and airy chiffon's language."(Document A) Mr. Bradburry you are a brilliant. Imaginative writings are quoted to describe certain objects. "The police helicopters were rising so far away it seemed someone had blown the gray head off a dandelion flower. Two dozen of them flurried, wavering, indecisive, three miles off, like butterflies puzzled by autumn, and thy were plummeting down to land, one by one, here, there, softly kneading the streets where, turning back to beetles, they shreaked along the boulevards or, as suddenly, leaped back into the air, continuing their search."(226) This Writing From the novel Farenheit 451 was written with great similes metaphors and outstanding imagery. I in my imagination i could see the the helicopters as dandelion seeds. it also g ave me a sense of a summer afternoon, i can see the helicopters making a shadow over the sunset. Only can i see this with your great description. not only can i see the helicopter i can feel it feel like i am there watching.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Study abroad or local university Essay
As the names state, study abroad and study locally are marked by lots of differences between them. When a student wants to study abroad, he needs student visa or permission whereas study locally in local universities doesn’t need one. When a student wants to apply for study abroad, he may have to clear some tests require proving his eligibility to study abroad. Studying abroad can be very expensive as a student has to shell out visa fee, application fee, flight charges, hostel fee and tuition fee. The fee per semester also burns a hole in the pocket of a student. Study locally does not call for any of such expenditures. One just have to pay the semester fee for the duration of the course opted for. However, it has some limitations attached to it. Most of the courses, people want to opt for, are not offered by local universities. So, students are left with only two choices, either- to choose from the plethora of courses the local university offers or move out to study abroad and study the preferred course. Study abroad increases the weight age of a candidate’s profile. For instance, if you are a student from Japan enrolled to study integrated course of communications and technology with Stanford, given if you pass the course with flying colors, back home it would increase the numbers of job openings and suitable remunerations for you. It is a general observation that most of the students prefer to study abroad for specialization in art and science stream. For instance, medical students prefer to study locally for their basic degrees such as M.B.B.S but when it comes for specialization and advanced medical study, say in oncology or plastic surgery, they prefer to study abroad. It is also advised that if you are looking for basic graduation degrees or elementary courses, study locally. You can save the expenditure to study abroad and get a higher exposure and advanced degree.
Community Policing
In my assurance to understand the modal value things are today you must archetypal understand the history and background. So with that universe said I would start take away the class with the history and background of policing. The ripe concept of legal philosophy was started in capital of the unify Kingdom in 1829 by Robert peel off. Robert Peel tangle that the law should be responsible up to the prosecution phase precisely the tryout, credence and punishment phase should be the office of another party. However, Robert Peels coming and companionship policing one thing is the principal(prenominal) goal and thats checkion of criminal offenses. http//voices. yahoo. com/law-en deplumatement-sir-robert-peels-concept- company-638595. html) I would then go into the cartridge clips for rectify which occurred in the late 1800s. I would deal Ameri burn history which was divided into one-third epochs. These three whiles were the political succession, the regenerate era and the community policing era. The political era this occurred from 1840 to 1930. This pore on close ties between patrol and politicians as well as beginning(a) emphasis on fashioning politicians happy. bsocietying was the reform era that occurred from 1930 to 1970.This instructioned on original offensive fighting and finish were the main focus of guard. Then eventually was community policing from 1970 and is lifelessness used today. The focus of this era was confederation between law and the community. (http//www. grossmont. edu/lance. parr/intro4. htm) Community policing and problem solving awards the overt an opportunity to work with legal philosophy in order to prevent crimes. In conclusion our country has continued to follow Robert Peels ideas of effective policing. Before policing can be effective the community and the practice of law force must work together to grow this happen.Peel relyd that the police are the tidy sum and the people are the police. (http//voices. yahoo. com/law-enforcement-sir-robert-peels-concept-community-638595. html) References http//voices. yahoo. com/law-enforcement-sir-robert-peels-concept-community-638595. html http//www. grossmont. edu/lance. parr/intro4. htm Community Policing and line of work Solving by J. Peak 2012 restart the three eras of policing (political, reform, and community). Identify and briefly hash out the strengths and weaknesses of each era.Respond in no less(prenominal) than 300 words. The three eras of policing are political, reform and community. Each rude(a) era brought forrad something different to the police force. In 1844 overbold York establishes a police force for juvenile York City. Unlike others this police force was different. The city government and politicians had control of the police force even as far as selecting officers. This era was know as the political era. This meant there were close ties between the police force and politicians. The main goal was to i mprint the politicians happy.In 1930 the political era became the reform era. This era center mainly on the maintain of individuals which meant professional crime fighting. Officers were to enforce the laws and train arrest whenever viable. When bigger problems arose a supererogatory type of unit was assigned rather of assigning an officer to a case. During the professional or reform era crime began to rise, fear in people arose, minorities did not receive their treatment by police adequate or equitable, and police began to be in competition with one another.This era was about to end and a modern one began. In 1970 a new era began which was known as community policing. This focused on a partnership between police and the community. At this time it was suggested that patrol officers performance would improve by reorganizing the jobs based on the officers. This later became known as police squad policing. The idea of team policing was to restructure the departments, improve po lice-community relations, enhance police officer morale, and facilitate change in the police organization.Now with the new era in place a system was true called COPPS which means Community Oriented Policing and line of work Solving. The community and police officers working together to prevent crime is now the culture to many police organizations. I believe that the era that works best for police organizations is the community era this gives police and the community the opportunity to work together to prevent crimes which should be the main focus. (Ken Peak 2003 prof of criminal justice) References http//www. policechiefmagazine. org/magazine/index. cfm? useaction=display_arch& amparticle_id=1968&issue_id=122009 1. What were the primary findings and recommendations of the Wickersham perpetrationing? What changes resulted from these recommendations? How did the work of O. W. Wilson, imposing Vollmer, and J. Edgar Hoover further reform policing in this era? Respond in no less than 250 words. President Hoover created the Wickersham Commission because of arguments over banishment and the citizens concerns on crime increased. The Chicago gang wars and the Valentines twenty-four hours Massacre brought on most of the concerns from citizens.Hoovers idea of the Wickersham Commission was to improve the notably ineffective enforcement of prohibition. A list of Wickershams conclusions and recommendations was provided to try and ease the concerns of citizens. The burster is oppose to repeal of the ordinal amendment, to the restoration in any manner of the legalized saloon, to the federal or state governments such as spill into the liquor business, to the proposal to modify the guinea pig breastwork tour so as to permit manufacture and sale of light(a) wines and beer.The direction is of opinion that the cooperation of the states is an essential piece in the enforcement of the eighteenth amendment and the National suppression Act throughout the territor y of the United States that the support of public opinion in the several states is necessary in order to insure such cooperation. The commission is of opinion that prior to the economy of the Bureau of Prohibition Act, 1927 the agencies for enforcement were badly organized and inadequate that incidental to the enactment there has been continued good in organization and effort for enforcement.The commission is of opinion that the present organization for enforcement is still inadequate. The commission is of opinion that the federal appropriations for enforcement of the eighteenth amendment should be substantially increased and that the lively and better organized efforts which have gone(a) on since the Bureau of Prohibition Act, 1927, should be furthered by certain improvements in the statutes and in the organization, personnel and equipment of enforcement, so as to give enforcement the greatest practicable efficiency.Some of the commissions were not positive(p) that prohibitio n under the eighteenth is unenforceable and believe that a further trial should be made with the help of the recommended improvements, and that if by and by such trial effective enforcement is not secured there should be a fiat of the amendment. Others of the commission were convinced of the opposite they believed that it has been exhibit that prohibition under the 18th amendment is unenforceable and that the amendment should be immediately revised.The commissions did agree that if the amendment were to be revised it would read Removal of the causes of anger and resentment on the part of the medical profession by The commission reason out by doing away with the statutory touch on of the amount which may be positive(p) and the proceeds of prescriptions, abolition of the requirement of specifying the unsoundness for which liquor is prescribed upon a vacant to go into the public flies release as much as possible to regulation rather than fixing details by statue.The commiss ion also cogitate that the removal of the anomalous provisions in section 29, National Prohibition Act, as to cider and fruit juices by making some uniform regulation for a fixed alcoholic content. Increase of the number of agents, storekeepers-gaugers, prohibition investigators, and special agents increase in the personnel of the Customs Bureau and in the equipment of all enforcement organizations. The commission concluded that the enactment of jurisprudence to prohibit independent denaturing plants.The commission is opposed to legislation allowing more analog for federal searches and seizures. The commission renews its recommendation of legislation for making procedure in the alleged(prenominal) padlock injunction cases more effective. The commission recommends legislation providing a mode of prosecuting short offenses in the federal courts and modifying the Increased Penalties Act of 1929, as set forth in the chairmans letter to the lawyer general dated May 23, 1930. The comm ission met from 1929 to 1930 to work out the kinks in the recommendations and conclusions the final examination fib was issued in 1931.The commission focused a lot on manufacturing and gross revenue of liquor. The commission stated in the report that the eighteenth amendment should not be repealed but the government should spend more coin and effort enforcing prohibition laws. (http//ehistory. osu. edu/osu/mmh/clash/prohibition/Documents/wickershamreport. htm) References http//ehistory. osu. edu/osu/mmh/clash/prohibition/Documents/wickershamreport. htm http//legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/Wickersham+Commission concord to
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